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RE: Is Social Conformity the Survival of the Fittest?

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

This concept is even worse here on steem where you want upvotes and fear getting flagged. so many people just playing the odds instead of being themselves, taking a risk, or being interesting. always taking the bland safe play.

great post
good post
nice post
have a good summer
will you sign my yearbook?


I believe that in Steemit, we should not be giving flags for people who post things that we do not agree with.

I believe that it may be right when a post becomes threatening or intentionally harmful. However, when stated as an opinion it is content and this is a blockchain social media blogging platform where all voices have a chance of saying something.

This should be kept sacred as we already have the big companies who own the other platforms controlling what we may or may not be able to say and what is or isn't worthy of remuneration.

If you post something I don't like then I won't support you. But why would I waste my time looking to see if you post or talk about stuff that I don't like?


I agree with the flagging. About 3 months after I joined, I had the misfortune to make a whale mad at me. He had decided no one had a right to upvote a specific person, no matter how much he had helped them. I refused to follow his command, he went out of his way to downvote every little 0.10 SBD I was making, lol. Guess he showed me how powerful he was after wasting a weeks effort to get my 2 SBD from me, but I stuck to my guns and he gave up after about a week.

It's all a power thing. Far too many people think it makes them powerful when they can make others bend to their will.

I'm a stubborn old beotch. My pet peeves are stealing, intentionally hurting others and bald face lying. I don't back down if I think I am right, but if you can convince me I am wrong without using any method that entails a religion or any of my pet peeves and I will admit I was wrong,

I rarely get convinced to change because most people can't stay away from my pet peeves or attempt to bring their personal version of their religion into it.

How about using some good old fashioned logic without all the bullshit thrown in?

I believe people need to be honest and that by abusing power, ie use of power without wisdom, that it will play out in the other direction at some point. Not because of karma or something like that. People are people, it is going to happen because we can make ourselves into villains.

Flagging someone because they support someone they don't like sounds a bit conformist to me. I hope that kind of thing is not still happening.

Of course it is still happening. It's a whale doing it. They are the gods of Steemit and have super powers stronger than Superman & Hulk all rolled into one!

lol, that's terrible in a way. Are they Gods or are they Titans?

lol, both and neither, but only in their own minds. Oh and it is not still happening to me, but to others. Seems to be a long term battle.

This tyrant bullies people and gets away with it, meanwhile people throw adoration towards his two-faced behavior and dismiss his wrongdoings, praising him as a hero. What a twilight zone of a community we have here :/

It is all about greed. Were constantly reminded that if you are not rich, you are crap on someone's shoe (or worst). People are willing to sell their souls (so to speak) for a chance to one-up someone else. Say and do anything you want to others, just make sure their wallets are a little lighter when they leave, lol.

Flags are a big issues. Whales like to throw it around, because there is no accountability or consequences for their abuse of power. I like your attitude. I fought back from being flagged for BS reasons too. It lasted months. Who was the whale, are their initials BS too? lol

You got it! lol

LOL. Yes. Fear of being targeted and bullied is strong throughout life, especially on Steem when the rich and powerful get to do what they want and get away with it, unlike in society where there is recourse possible.