Yes, that's correct!
My article for some reason gives off 'bad vibes' that make people think of absolutisms and intolerances! (Maybe the 'Nazi' sign has something to do with it?! :P) Those may be part of the picture, for sure, because my theory after all explains outright wars as well. But the overarching point is that it's impossible to hold a value without it having a 'negative effect' or 'shadow image' somewhere else, be it lighter affairs like 'hating' Pseudocercospora fijiensis because I 'love' eating bananas, or disliking color blindness because I like colors, or darker matters like being intolerant toward the intolerant and whatever that intolerance might lead to. And I expressed this logical point by saying that you can't 'love' without 'hating'. Having values is a necessary correlate of being conscious, and so opposing the 'enemy' of those values is also a necessary correlate.