Picture #4: Father's Grave

My Father, My HERO
Hi Papa!
Its been 3 years since you left us.
But it seems that it's just yesterday.
And everyday, I miss you.
You cared more than you care yourself.
Our happiness is your happiness,
Our success is your success,
Our achievements is your achievements,
And even our failures is your failures.
Your support is always there.
And everyday, I miss you.
Memories with you is a treasure.
Your presence is our inspiration.
You treated us as your only princess.
And everyday, we miss you.
Your love is greater than anybody else.
We thanked God upon every remembrance of you.
And everyday, we miss you always.
Captured: Sony Experia Z3 compact
Edit: VSCO
Location: Cordova, Cebu City
Thank you for reading.
"I love doing things I love with Love." @geezly