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RE: The #nobidbot Tag is Growing at a Rapid Pace

in #nobidbot6 years ago (edited)

I will no longer do any curation, I will will moving on to a different concept, that also supports these same goals. However @transparencybot will continue to do random upvotes when it has enough VP (at least 85%) When it gets downvoted, it has to upvote itself, which takes away its VP. So this is only a few times per day.

@looktothefuture and @bycoleman will not be doing the random upvoting of posts that did not use bidbots.

My friend, if you look at the data, you will see the tag was not catching on until I began an intensive campaign. You, I and and a couple others used it. Then when I started the upvotes it took off. I am not trying to take credit, it was a great concept you came up with, it just needed marketing.

I think it will do fine now, but you must keep it up in front and center and have some type of incentive for people to use the tag, they will not stay involved if it is just for the good of the platform ... people need to be rewarded monetarily, that is why they are here and not FB. And of course censorship as well.

You had mentioned that NSFW articles should not be filtered (or at least the decision should not be made by one person), but the reason they must be filtered out is if the image or text is reproduced in a post, it renders that post as NSFW as well. It had nothing to do with censorship, just logistics.

I will be turning the owner key over to you tomorrow. It is your baby. I wish you much success and I really pray you are able to build the proper team to keep it going. You must move quickly.



I don't understand why you want to stop working on what you were working on just because I thought you should use a different username to do it....

These types of discussions are just to life reducing for me. Medical conditions make it necessary that avoid stress. I have already endured more than I should with @transparencybot. I do not want to have a similar discussion down the road, or ever be accused of hijacking anyone's property. So, I really just need to bow out of this and wish you the very best of luck. Please send me your email via secure memo so I can send the owner key.

You might consider contacting @carlgnash, he is an expert in SQL. I will happily give him my the queries used to programmatically curate, although he could create them just as well, that is what he does for @curie.

What I have is a start, but I was going to take it much further. He might be able to help you or get you in contact with someone who can.

I truly hope this movement stays going and you and your team are able to rise to the occasion and give it all you've got.

Be blessed my friend -- Let's live long and prosper!

Have only had the best experiences with @carlgnash (that's carlgnash with a "G"), and while I can understand the reasons and perspectives @whatamidoing cites, a proper and self-initiated willingness to tackle it in practice without waiting around for some tribe to come to the aid seems vital to get it off the ground.

Thanks to both of you for sharing your discussion with everyone openly, and to you craig for all your hard work on the programmer level. It will not have been in vain.

Thank you! You are correct on the "G", I have missed that more than once.

Yes, that is basically the way I have run my businesses. When I see something or somewhere there is need, I simply begin, pour what I have into it and see where it take us. Sometimes great things come out of it, other times, it is another "learning" experience. But If you don't start, it is simply another wasted opportunity.


The G is pretty much all the value I could add to the conversation. Agreed, I am still learning it but really wrapping my head around how important it is to get actual and less theoretical.
Much love dude!

Thank you. Lets just keep striving for quality!