12 Facts about the Yamato module

in #nextcolony5 years ago


We’re working on the Yamato module and have already made very good progress. Today we give you a little insight into the module so that you know what to expect on November 15th.

Okay, let’s go…

  • The concept of Yamato was born from the wonders-concept (wonders of the universe). Yamato is a battleship that can be built and upgraded. Yamato can attack and be attacked like any other battleship. Yamato is the hub for rewards and provides a dynamic reward system.

  • You can earn reward points by upgrading and defending your Yamatos or by attacking Yamatos of your opponents. Your reward points are converted into STEEM, Items, and Stardust at the end of each season. Places 1-10 earn STEEM according to reward points.

  • At the start of the Yamato module, all owners of each legendary planet will receive 10 Yamato blueprints. You can activate them on a planet of your choice but choose it wisely. There are currently 10 legendary planets (including Earth), so 100 blueprints would be distributed. We will not use the 10 blueprints of the earth, but share them to you in contests.

  • You can trade your Yamato blueprints just like any other blueprint. You can also activate the Yamato blueprint on a planet and sell the built level/tier 0 Yamato's constantly to stronger players.

  • To build Yamato in the shipyard, you need the appropriate ship skill at level 20. We don't publish any concrete data yet since we're still in the final balancing phase.

  • A newly built Yamato has level/tier 0. Yamato can be upgraded up to level/tier 20. An upgrade of the Yamato leads to reward points. To upgrade Yamato, you need resources and stardust.

  • Every season has its name. The name of the first season is Nemesis. The first season lasts probably 30 days and starts after the Yamato module. We define the duration of the season at the start of each new season. Each season also has an individually defined prize pool (STEEM) and an individually defined leach rate.

  • The leach rate of the season is given in percent and defines the center of gravity of the season and the ratio of attackers, and defenders. A low rate distributes the reward points more to the defenders, and a high rate distributes the reward points more to the attackers. The leach rate would be redefined each season.

  • Think of a legendary planet (no matter what type) as a holy grail. If you find a legendary planet before we publish the Yamato module, you shouldn't sell this planet too cheap because you can have the guaranteed 10 Yamato blueprints.

  • Reward Points will be converted into STEEM, Items, and Stardust at the end of each season. At the end of the season, the reward points are going to be reset to zero and Yamatos will be reset to level/tier 0.

  • simulator. We're looking forward to your feedback to finalize the balancing. Join the official Discord server or use the comments below.You can already test Yamato (level/tier 0-20) in the experimental client by @jarunik. Check out his

  • The reward pool currently amounts to approx. 50,000 STEEM.

Yamato starts on
November 15, 2019 20:00:00 UTC

Tell your friends, your family, your neighbors, and all your colleagues about the launch of the Yamato module.

You want free Stardust? Just resteem this post and earn 100 Stardust tokens. Stardust will be transferred after the payout of this post.

Stay tuned.


Resteemed :-)

Thanks for your persisting support! :)

This post has been included in the latest edition of The Steem News - a compilation of the key news stories on the Steem blockchain.

Thanks for your indefatigable support! :)

You are welcome.

I’m glad I’m part of Dach.

Amazing that no one’s found a legendary yet.

Yeah, teamwork is an important factor.

I think that right now what the game needs the most is a trustless market...let me explain myself a little bit:

The players yet to come are the more valuable asset of this game, we (early adopters and the team) have to realize that it's not worthy to start ranting for 50k Steem on the reward pool... we have to focus our eyes on what we want this game and its economics to be one year ahead. For instance, as soon as more people know (through marketing efforts we all shall contribute to) that you can be rewarded by playing a game that allows you to enjoy your time on it, the game itself surely will work as a magnet. Here is where drugwars failed badly by creating a pyramid-like scheme to distribute their rewards and not providing any incentive to make in-game purchases... this spot is also were splintersland succeeded the most, before even creating the actual card battling system, they created a market and all hiped players spent lots of Steem to get cards directly from other players, Splinterlands team only took a fee of that transaction, so al FOMO buyers cannot blame the developers for expending crazy amounts at the beginning. Also, their income stream doesn't rely on the Steem rewards pool, thus cards there are "backed" by others players money... hence we see an Alpha pack being sold at 5-6$ on steem-engine, that's a massive 150.200% profit.

Imo, nextcolony can learn from the successes and mistakes of other dapps, I like the ideas I just read about the Yamato module, but they lack the ability to integrate the whole community into the new wars that will be fought... why? because you can't expect every single individual to be included in a powerful alliance and have a superb role there that incentivizes him/her to keep playing the game on a daily basis... As the game evolves it's complexity level also goes up, and new players will have a nightmare finding out which is the successful (aka profitable) way to play. I'm not saying to simplify the game or make it easier to new players, I just think that we have to incentivize them properly to stick on the game because there's a way to actually get some rewards out of it. For instance, what if anyone could sell his/her little scout, patrol, cutter, corvette, etc for a small amount in a trustless and 100% transparent market? What if newbies have a spot showing them how much they can make if they are able to successfully sell dreadnoughts and thus they have an actual "goal" to pursue no matter the time it takes? Planets price should also be displayed this way so players can have an estimate of how much is their accounts worth...

But hey, those are just my two cents.

I agree on all of your points.

We are watching all the dApps on this blockchain. I'm a big fan and this motivates me.

"I like the ideas I just read about the Yamato module, but they lack the ability to integrate the whole community into the new wars that will be fought."

You're right and I can't promise whether this will work the way we plan. We'll see about that. Of course it's not a 360-degree-solution, because for NextColony there's no such thing as a 360-degree-solution, there's just a lot of small elements that could be a solution as a whole.

There are a couple things that we have to solve that make our work more difficult. For example 99 out of 100 options (to distribute rewards) are no solution as they can be infiltrated by bot farms too easy. Of course, we don't want to give out rewards to bot farms.

The Yamato module is not a 360-degree-solution, it is as a further step.

The Yamato update is of course also the fulfillment of a promise we made at the start. Legendary planets will soon have a worthy place in the game.

The Yamato update is of course also the fulfillment of a promise we made at the start. Legendary planets will soon have a worthy place in the game.

This is what I like about Nextcolony the most, you guys make big efforts to comply with your self-stablished goals which is great.

Regarding bot farms, I think that the scenario where we have some small and powerful groups is unavoidable... Why? Because there are some people with huge pockets and there are people who will form effective alliances and create powerful armies... But those ones will not be the majority of the players, hardly the 5-10% of them. The game needs to keep 100% of their userbase engaged with the game. My proposal is to accept the fact that premium features and successful cluster of players will gain an unbreachable gap and grant the majority of the players a way to play a role in that scenario and also get some rewards on the process.

For instance, if the market I proposed does really gets released. You could create the incentives for big pocket players to buy stuff from average players...it can be allowing some sort of crafting that requieres a material which can only be crafted from some item linked with the id of each active account, how to minimize the effect of bot farmers? Add some randomness to the selection of the accounts, boters will always have and advantage but the game would not be broken.

Also, allowing some kind of merchant role. For instance in order for big pocket players to claim big rewards let them deploy to the Earth some material which can only be transported by other active account, randomly selected from a list on a market... Also, letting offer and demand drive the price of the rewards obtained from the active players factoring in the fee they charged in the potential reward they could get from the big pocket player...

I dunno if any of this is doable, you're the tech savvy guys...just keep enjoying the work you do because doing so you will have your creative boosted and will surely come up with a great idea to address this issues.

Best regards.

"My proposal is to accept the fact that premium features and successful cluster of players will gain an unbreachable gap and grant the majority of the players a way to play a role in that scenario and also get some rewards on the process."

This is exactly the path.

I'am so happy, that we have such smart players on board.

Thanks for your input!

I can't talk about bot farms that much in public. They read along.

Have you considered the political elements behind this post?

Anyway, I take up front this question: Is Yamato module a decision that favors NextColony's oligarquies?

The first sentence is to vague for me to give you a proper reply even if I try my best to do so. Feel free to elaborate more what you want to know and I will give you the best reply I can manage to write.

As for the second question, I'm a scientist so I prefer to go over the facts. Of course, at first glance it seems like the top players are putting more ground between them and the other players, but @nextcolony team stated that there's a dynamic variable that allows then to adjust the rate so it can remain "balanced"... what is the equilibrium point remains yet to be seen but hey! So far they have been creating a very nice game and they have been quite straight forward with what they intend to do. So people can get an idea of what this is all about and can walk away any time they wish so.

Thanks for taking the time to read my comment.
Best regards.

With the awesome drop rate of legendary planets, i will have better luck winning an actual lottery than finding legendary planet.

It's definitely not easy.

I'm very curious how it goes... At the first glance, the super powerful players will get all the rewards. They will control the Yamatos blueprints, and probably few of the non-legendary players will dare to attack them. I hope I'm wrong, but it might get a game for only 10 players...

The keyword is teamplay.

YES, IT ALREADY IS. I'm not alone, great! This game is about to die if that happens - well I'll be out for sure.

I must say that this is quite an ingenious rewarding system, although I am not sure I have comprehend it for now. Only fighting will anyone be able to get rewards or also somehow else...?

We hope so. Of course there is still a lot of balance-work. So your feedback is very valuable for us. As always.

"You can earn reward points by upgrading and defending your Yamatos or by attacking Yamatos of your opponents."

Does it still take 100 months to build the first ship?

Did you guys reduce the tedious upgrade clicking by at least the factor of 100 or is it the game still void of fun?

Posted using Partiko Android

There are now many new ships. You can build two small battleships (Scout Sentry and Scout Athene) after about seven days and two more after about two weeks (Patrol Amaterasu and Patrol Hermes). We have already optimized the start (the first four weeks) and will continue to optimize the start.

Resteemed and preparing a spanish version of this 12 facts. Will leave thr link here once ready.

Thanks. :)

Nice one, thx for shedding some light into the Mystery 🏆

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks, Uwe! (:


Looking forward to the updates! Resteemed!

Thanks. :)

So only thr top 10 player with the most reward points gets Steem?

Posted using Partiko Android

that is what I read too

Places 1-10 earn STEEM according to reward points.

So the other people get nothing?

Posted using Partiko Android

No way!

"Your reward points are converted into STEEM, Items, and Stardust at the end of each season."

How is the reward pool distributed between the top 10 and the reward point holder

Posted using Partiko Android

Each season also has an individually defined prize pool. For the time being, we define this manually for each season.

At the end of the season, the reward points are going to be reset to zero.

So this will be mentioned in a upcomming post how the distribution will be this season?

Posted using Partiko Android


How to buy stardust?

You can't buy Stardust from us.

  • Discord serverYou can buy Stardust from a player. Use the transfer function to trade Stardust with other players. Check out the #trade channel on our

  • Stardust is linked to purchases in the shop. You will get 100 STARDUST for every 1 STEEM you spend in the shop. You can find your Stardust in your wallet.

  • (soon) You have the chance to find small quantities of stardust while exploring deep space. This makes explorations much more valuable. If exploration wasn't successful and your explorer returns safely, i.e. has not been lost, you have the chance to get stardust.

Will Free2play players get to build Yamato or they need a blue print to activate construction?

"At the start of the Yamato module, all owners of each legendary planet will receive 10 Yamato blueprints."

Think of a legendary planet (no matter what type) as a holy grail. If you find a legendary planet before we publish the Yamato module, you shouldn't sell this planet too cheap.

So far no legendary planet has been found.

Nice twist that the first season is so short.

Posted using Partiko Android

We define the duration of the season at the start of each new season.

I'm not impressed, rather disapointed.

You haven't seen the whole picture yet. Please give the module a chance.

It seems that I need to be part of some alliance not to stay out of the party.

A little strange the reward system, let's hope it works.

Yeah, teamwork is definitely an important factor.

cool update

Thanks. :)

Does it means, if I do not have Yamoto , then I do not earn points and nobody gets points if somebody attacks me?

"You can earn reward points by upgrading and defending your Yamatos or by attacking Yamatos of your opponents."

So in order to build a Yamato you need a blueprint? What if one doesnt´t want to buy one, because he thinks this is not a pay-to-win game?

We don't sell Yamato blueprints.

Indirectly yes, because you sold the legendary planets.
So how to get one?

Find a legendary planet.

And pray because no legendary planet has been found for the previous 6 months and it might take another 6 or more to find one!

Correct. Thank "god".

When does this season end?

The first season starts shortly after the Yamato update and will probably last 30 days.

I am not sure I like what I read. I don't think it's going to be enjoyable at all because the game still needs a lot of polishing. Why not just use current SP from the @nextcolony account and share the curation rewards with players that for example do something in the game?

Say what you want about DrugWars or Splinterlands, but they have their "reward systems" really thought out so that even the little guys have a chance to be rewarded. Does NextColony want 5 players or 1000 players playing the game?

DrugWars or Splinterlands do a good job, there's no doubt about it.

Good to know. :)

Is this game's gameplay going to be similar to that of Drug Wars?

Is this game's gameplay
Going to be similar
To that of Drug Wars?

                 - truthforce

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

NextColony is already online.

I really wonder if it will be fun?

Have you looked at the Yamato's specs:

I guess players who own a Yamato will be able to upgrade it to that level within the 30 days.

Even with 100000 corvettes (which is the fastest fighters), you can't beat that. BTW, I crashed @jarunik' simulator by trying to find how much corvettes I will need to beat it. 🤣

Therefore how can you expect to go fight and catch a Yamato that is squares away from your planet?
Except if they are magic numbers that have not been revealed yet... 🤔

Maybe you expect players to coordinate their attacks (acting like clans).
For sure this will requires sacrificing a lot of ships and rebalance the power among players.

Did you guys already made some real simulations?

As @steemmillionaire wrote, I'm curious to see how it goes.

We'll probably see tier 20 very rarely. Actually never.

Hmm, why create such an inaccessible tier then?
And this doesn't answer my other questions.

Soft cap.

We will publish more details in the next weeks, @arcange.

I'm not sure if you realize that it is a bad idea to further strengthen already big Players. The Top Player of your game are efficiently farming the whole existing Galaxy and now you wanna make them the only once having access to the key feature of the game, which generates rewards.

Who we strengthen depends on the leach rate of the season.

I want this game to succeed, I really want that. But I can't even play it properly since Moths now because I get farmed by the Top3 and there is no way out for me.

I wonder why an attacker gets Uranium out of an attack, even if I have less then would fit in my save and you wonder how to build UniverseWonders using legendary planets. Where will we meet again? Because if we don't meet again, I can't play your game anymore and with "I" - I really mean all players in my situation, which probably are A LOT of players.

But you have the data, how many accounts are getting just farmed and don't make any progress at the moment? 50-60%? Trust me I'm not angry, I'm frustrated because of I still try.

"I want this game to succeed."

We too.
We will see if this works out.

Of course, you do, I give this FeedBack to help us. I want to play NC another 5 years at least.

"I want to play NC another 5 years at least."

Awesome! We're gonna get a tattoo of that sentence. I'm serious.

If this game hits a Million Players, that's the very least you could do.

 5 years ago  Reveal Comment


There's nothing I can add.

You've got it in a nutshell and also done a pretty good research.

How we distribute the 10 blueprints (earth) is not clear yet. What is certain, however, is that it must be random or PoW/PoP. We (the team) can't be the decisive factor.

 5 years ago  Reveal Comment

I think the blueprint contests will be also a lot of fun.