Forget what you've heard about Venezuelan socialism and watch this.

in #news7 years ago (edited)

If you roll in libertarian circles like I do, you are well aware of the situation happening in Venezuela. Long story short: they are trying communism and it's not working. What else is new...


As many people will tell you, communism has been tried many times and every time it has failed.

But does that mean communism is doomed to fail as a concept? It's tempting to think so. Communism is, after all, associated with Stalin. And Stalin was a batshit crazy murderer. Heck, Stalin murdered more Jews than Hitler amiright?

But communism is a concept and Stalin is a person. If you conflate a person with a concept, then you're doing it wrong.

Any good student of history will agree that as far back as WWI, and especially since the Cold War began, America has been putting its proverbial thumb on the scale with regard to communism.

You see, America has strayed far from its "laboratory of democracy" phase. Far from the "freedom is the greatest ideal" phase. Modern America is now the world police - enforcing the American way across the globe whether they like it or not. And the American way is democracy.

So when any nation begins to stray from democracy, it is not only unfortunate - it's a direct threat. And God forbid that communist nations be near us (Cuba) or have powerful weapons (Cuba/North Korea).

Untold misery has been visited upon mankind because America is scared of the possibility that communism might catch on.

I'm not just embarrassed that we invaded Vietnam to stop communism. I'm ashamed at that part of our history. I want the right to determine my own government, and I want that for others as well. That we have been involved in these conflicts - killing people for making a choice that we don't agree with... that's reprehensible. It's ugly. And it's certainly NOT the American way.

The American way is a foreign policy of non-intervention. That is the way of George Washington. It the way we treat our friends and neighbors. We let them be. Live and let live. And although our government has strayed from that ideal - the nation is still united behind the ideals of individual liberty and tolerance.

The American way is NOT to interfere with other governments - even when we think they're doing it wrong. And that is why our recent history of trying to stomp out socialism and communism is so deeply damaging. It is abandoning our greatest ideal. And for what? To crush an idea in it's infancy?


A deep dive into the history of the CIA shows dozens of smaller nations whose communism has been undermined by our government.

But belief in CIA conspiracies is not required to see out political espionage at work. In plain sight we enforce embargoes on countries just because of the way they govern. Get too communist and we'll go full embargo.

This is all unnatural. It is messing with their communism experiment. It is putting our powerful thumb on the scale. And it lessens the impact of the conclusion that "communism has been tried and failed". No, we've made it fail.

In light of that, I can't say that we really know what happens when communism is tried in ideal conditions. We've never given it that chance. Perhaps if we stopped threatening them, undermining them, and putting sanctions on them, their failure would be more meaningful.

In other words, if you really believe that communism will always implode - then let them implode. Let them prove your point.

And for the record, I'm not pro-communist nor pro-socialist. I'm just against categorical conclusions like "communism will always fail" that are based on tainted evidence. We just don't have good data to back that conclusion.

Which brings me to Venezuela. The nation that, we are told, is drowning in its own incompetence because of socialism.

Most of the mainstream media coverage on this topic has been one-sided to say the least. Venezuela is imploding and it's all because of that terrible socialism.

Knowing what we know about the propaganda our government and media have participated in, is it not wise to be skeptical about claims such as this?

It all follows a pattern, doesn't it? "This state tried communism. This is state now bad. This state is now super evil. And everyone is sad. They are now a danger to Americans somehow."

I'm concerned that we are being played by the same powerful interests who have continually tried to sabotage communist experiments.

These interests are controlling the flow of information, and they have been doing a bang-up job. We generally hear the same few talking points about Venezuela over and over again.

To get real useful data on the situation, we're going to have to turn to a trustworthy journalist doing on-the-ground reporting within the nation of Venezuela itself.

Enter Abby Martin.

abby martin.png

Abby is one of my favorite journalists because she never shirks from the opportunity to criticize authority. I trust her to speak the truth despite the consequences to herself or her career. She often takes on the US government and the media establishment with her show The Empire Files.

But recently Abby went to Venezuela to get the scoop on what was really happening there. The results may surprise you. They sure surprised me.

If you want to speak with authority on Venezuela, then it is imperative that you watch these videos. Abby will give you a glimpse into what is really happening there.

And while Abby sticks to the facts, I can tell you what all this looks like to me. It looks like a continuation of the unethical American policy of undermining communist nations. It looks like foreign sabotage and a complicit media. But I'll let you be the judge of that.

Video 1 - in which Abby gets hit with tear gas, her co-worker is shot by protestors, and the Venezuela media doxxes her.

Video 2 - in which Abby tests the "barren Venezuelan supermarket" rumor.

Stay vigilant my friends. There are powerful interests that seek to manipulate your opinion. They are trying to control what information reaches your ears. They want to limit your choices by presenting you with one false dichotomy after another.

Don't fall for it.

Don't let them control your mind.

Stay online.

Stay free.

And follow this account. Because while they're peddling lies - I'm pushing truth.


I would definitely trust Abby Martin over all the talking heads in the lamestream media. She does journalism the way it's supposed to be done.

Courteous and articulate debate. So rare in "social" (troll) networks. Simply love it! Thanks.

I had never heard of Abby, will check her out. As far as socialism/communism the United States is well on its way to a full blown nanny state.

Some segments are for ceding power to authority. They want the police to be the only ones carrying guns. They want government secrets to remain classified. They want the government protecting me from buying stock in a small business. They have not learned the lessons of history I suppose. Personal liberty and freedom and less attractive to these people, but I like to think the internet and better education will turn the tide.

There are indeed many Americans who value liberty. Ron Paul's stellar rise to popularity was because people liked his ideas. Liberty-minded individuals are everywhere. Lots of us believe universal basic income is worth a try, and that's kinda socialistic. It achieves a communist utopia while not giving up on what makes capitalism great. More importantly, it can be accomplished without sacrificing any personal liberty except taxation.

This is fascinating news and confirms what Venezuelans interviews in the video and one of the commenters above have indicated - that the capitalist parts of Venezuela seem to be conspiring to undermine the government and economy.

And those are interesting stats about public vs. private sector employment. I wonder why so many publications are committed to the idea that Venezuela is a case-in-point about socialism when so much of their economy is privately owned.

you ever hear of propaganda? The capitalist class hates socialism because it takes away their power over the working class, why do you think they would willingly tell you that it works? They would rather just say it doesn't and sweep it under the rug.

This is THE reason Venezuela never is mentioned in MSM....
Since this is the imminent future for ALL western countries.

You forgot to mention the rampant corruption, cronyism and lack of rule of law. Those things will kill any society no matter what the system. As best I can tell communism is basically socialism with all of the above - a powerful authoritarian elite calling all the shots, living it up while the proles suffer through their incompetence.

In the US we have all the above with a failed state that fails to recognize it as corruption. Instead of actually trying to dictate how the economy runs they just let their fake version of "free market" (anything but) capitalism do the dirty work and inject their bankers as rent-seekers, creaming off anything in excess of what is necessary to stop the population revolting.

Which is kind of smart - saves them all the effort of actually pretending to to run the country, while a few hundred mostly old white guys provide smoke and mirrors alternately pointing blame at each other and all the while the money keeps on rolling in from the government bailouts, quantitive easing, the Federal Reserve other government enforced handouts for free.

Yeah, we may laugh at how badly Venezuela is screwing it up, but only because their elite didn't listen to GWB's PNAC folks and manage to capitalize on all that oil and opportunity as effectively and sustainably as the US elite did.

I couldn't agree more. Our government is full of leeches that are quite effective at steering money to their own pockets. They hold us back as a nation and they hold competitors back through regulation. At the very least we should be able to see what the Federal Reserve is doing. I don't know why Americans tolerate their secrecy.

I do think communism is doomed to fail due to its failure to account for a realistic understanding of human action and incentives, but I also agree commies need to be free to fail without outside influence.

Stalin was payed by the bankers as was Hitler, Lenin, Trosky and KM and FE to write "Das Kapital". For me to learn this was a shock, I come from Cuba, I was a socialist/communist my complete life til I arrived to Germany and have the opportunity to look for free information by myself. So... Socialism, Comunism, Capitalism... I really do not care about it because they are all ways created (in my opinion) to separate us as a people (what is happening in US, Venezuela and many other places).

At the end everything is about power and money, nothing more, nothing less

What is happening in Venezuela is a mix of many things, do not think just because the Comunism or Socialism (called how you like it, because honestly I do not know what really is what they have... I was there in 2012) is all this situation formed. They are powers in both side playing since the Chavez time. Btw Chavez was a charismatic leader... Maduro has nothing to give to the people and is one of the reasons is getting worst there. But as I say, it is a play between the 2 powers that in this case are separate, the govermment and the money holders(rich people). And who pays the broken plates? The normal people :(

Pd: as far as I know the photo of the market is not right, was since the times of Chavez online in the "spanish" Facebook and is a fake one ;)

Ppd: It is nothing against your post, it is just my opinion of what I saw and see happening there and becasue I was there filming a documentary about the elections last time Chavez won. I saw part of the development of all this situation because some months later Chavez die and Maduro took the power.

Thanks for giving your firsthand account of what is happening there.

The second video linked above proves your assertion that the supermarket picture is a fake. Abby goes to several markets and all of them seem well stocked. Her interviews also back your assertion that the wealthy people are subverting the system in their power struggle with the government. Thanks for commenting.

You are welcome! Even if was some years ago (almost 5) I do not think it has changed a lot when we talk about the powers in conflict and who get the punchs. I will check Abby, really do not know her...

... honestly, as far as I have seeing and this is a comment apart, many of the people (mostly from US) have to really check two times before doing things or saying things about the conflicts in Latinoamerica... I was talking with someone from BitNation (do you know the project?) and told me that they were working with the govermment of Honduras and started to tell me how good and advance this govermment is... They even did not knew that this "advance govermment" is killing farmers activist there.. since last year more than 5 woman leaders of activist groups to help farmers and aborigens were killed... And this is just an example. Can you see what I mean?

Woman who joins communism:

‘Because while they're peddling lies - I'm pushing truth.’
Ha ha ha, loved this line – even though I’m sure I’ve heard something very much like it before, somewhere, and it never ended well for anybody involved.

I'm not familiar with the source. Please enlighten me.

Sources? Go over your own post again. It expresses your personal opinion (a.k.a. the truth), it coaxes the readers (your ‘friends’) into following your line of thought, and it ends with a bunch of blatant imperatives, after which you appoint yourself as a truth-teller and others as liars.
I don’t even disagree with the content of your post. I just take exception to the ham-fisted delivery and the fact that you lowball your audience enough to instruct them what to do and think rather than letting them make up their own minds about the topic just as your own reporting credibility.
‘Pravda’ (Russian for ‘The Truth’) used to be the Communist Party’s newspaper not that long ago. Guess how much truth they were telling, whether or not they believed that what they were telling was actually true. In short, less zealotry and sweet talk in your presentation will go a long way towards gaining a quality readership. I hope this was constructive, and that the users of the platform will benefit down the line.

Ahh. I thought you were just saying that I'd lifted my tag line from someone else. Which is absolutely possible due to how the subconscious works.

No, I don't have all truth and I find that changing my opinion is commonplace. I came to the alias because I was tired of spotting blatant lies in the mainstream media and not having an outlet for exposing them. My unifying philosophy is intellectual honesty which seeks the truth at all costs. I thought it sounded catchy so I bought the domain and set up a wordpress. Then I discovered steemit and moved over.

I'm trying to make sense of the brand by providing the slogan at the end. Maybe it's too heavy-handed. Sometimes I think so. In fact, sometimes I think the handle itself is too heavy handed. But I'm going to roll with it unless I hit a brick wall because of it. I'm sorry if it offends your sensibilities. I've been tempted to reboot the account with a more humble alias. Perhaps, if enough people are as bothered as you are, I'll do so.

My sensibilities were not nearly as much offended as I was disappointed, expecting more from the post that had showed much promise in its opening paragraphs.
Yes, many of us are tired of the mainstream media, and it’s great that you’re going against the grain of their incompetent and propagandist boredom-shit. What I’m saying is by using the enemy’s tools, such as slogan and mood-manipulation, you’ll alienate many a mature and critical thinker who otherwise might follow you. Then again, if your aim is to appeal to the pliable masses or people, say, less than thirty years old, your tactics may just work, which would invalidate the points I raised in my last post.
Here you won’t get many people telling you they’re bothered by whatever details even if they were. Most of them would reap rewards then move on rather than risk starting a verbal slugging match with the author. I myself am tottering on the brink of regret over my previous comment, as I didn’t consider your personal objectives just as circumstances (unknown to me) before posting what I did. Again, even if I’d been incorrect in my assumptions, I’d like to think this conversation has been a short maybe, but also horizon-broadening, journey for both of us.

Yes indeed. It is so hard to get honest feedback and I appreciate your openness. "Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses."

Ha ha, well put.

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