Some more info on the American Health Care Act

in #news7 years ago

I just found some more info on the AHCA which may be of interest for some.

Here's a few key points that I found interesting:

  • Sec. 111 : makes it harder to be qualified for Medicaid coverage by lowering the eligibility level from 113% above the poverty level to 110%
  • Sec. 112 : eliminate the expansion of Medicaid starting in 2020
  • Sec. 117 : impose additional work requirements on adults to be eligible for Medicaid
  • Sec. 133 : "Health insurers must increase premiums by 30% for one year for enrollees in the individual market who had a break in coverage of more than 62 days in the previous year"
  • Sec. 202 : Changes the requirement to be eligible for premium assistance tax credit
  • Sec. 231 : Repeal the 10% tax on indoor tanning 
  • Sec. 251 : Repeal 3.8% tax on individual with income ABOVE a specified amount

The last repeal mentioned is especially important because it is a large tax cut for the rich. From my understanding, the individuals that included this repeal in the AHCA believed that this tax cut would help drive down the cost of insurance since companies will have to pay less tax. Unfortunately, this tax reduction is paid for the large cuts to Medicaid that has been helping low income families pay for health insurance. So essentially the rich are getting richer while the poor are getting less benefits.

The AHCA has passed the House and is currently being reviewed in the Senate at the moment. If it were to be passed by the Senate, the AHCA would then come to the President where it will either be turned into law or be vetoed.

I hope you guys found this informative and not too boring.
