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RE: How to Debunk "Guns Don't Kill People, People Kill People" [dTube]

in #news7 years ago

it seems like a lot of incidents caused by antidepressants which say in the ads "May cause suicidal thoughts or actions" are being blamed upon guns inappropriately. Suicide is only really portrayed as a bad thing when they are using suicide numbers to bulk up the "gun violence" number. Suicide is fine, but gun deaths are very bad.


Right, they do do that. Im not the biggest fan of guns (though i am liberal and as such support freedoms), but as far as i see it, its someone using something americans have a right to own in order to make use of their right to their own life.

I have suggested in the past we could significantly reduce gun violence if guns were sold with a head sized plastic bag and a zip tie.

I mean to be honest, if it becomes an international story when 15 people die from guns while the on average 500 people killed in hospitals by mistake of doctors per day are ignored, id say guns arent such a big problem.

More than twice as many Americans are killed annually by varicose veins and related conditions as by so called "gun violence" and yet there is not a single article about them on NPR.

Do you consider causing slow death for profit a bad thing? Entire pharmaceutical industry is doing it. When people's diseases, disorders, suffering & pain become profit for some, the sickness(sick) industry is bound to exist and spread suffering.

the industry whose products kill 100,000 Americans annually from known side effects when used as directed by a doctor? Not counting those killed by the people on those drugs that cause suicidal actions, they are put in the gun deaths column for some reason.