I don't really look to Yahoo News for any sort of enlightenment because they are extremely one-sided when it comes to their choice of articles and the few that they actually write themselves. You don't need to know anything about the story other than the headline to already predict what the outcome of their mostly op-ed articles are going to be. It isn't investigative journalism, it is activism and activism that only goes one way.

I visit Yahoo News because of the fact that I wonder if they have any plans to change their ways as far as the articles they feature are concerned. Business sense would indicate that your company's constantly dwindling numbers and loss of market value would indicate that perhaps a change in direction wouldn't be a terrible idea but Yahoo seems to be extremely committed to an ideology, even if it means the end of their ability to exist in the marketplace.
For a while the comments section was more informative than the articles themselves and when they became predominantly conservative responses to the articles in question Yahoo's answer was to deactivate the ability for anyone to comment. They recently re-introduced commenting but there are certain articles, like ones that are about Biden for example, where comments are conveniently turned off.

Yahoo doesn't seem to have any real standards outside of the fact that they hate the right and especially this guy.
Yesterday I went over to Yahoo just to have a laugh and I scrolled all the way from top to bottom of the front page. This is where there is a mish-mash of articles covering all things in life from human-interest stories, to sports, and of course politics. I counted the number of articles that featured our current president and there were 3 of them. Then I counted the articles that were about our former president, and there were 14 of them.
Seeing as how Biden is actually in control of a lot more of what goes on in politics right now wouldn't it make more sense for that number to be reversed?

In this particularly stupid article it shows the ignorance of both the NGO participants and the site itself. This entire thing could be prevented if our current leaders actually wanted to but nah, let's take this opportunity to blame a guy that isn't even in power anymore.
One would think that with all that is going on in the world that they might focus a teensy bit on the person who actually has the office right now but they don't do that for the most part. On the few articles that were about Biden they were all painted in a very good light of course and in the Trump ones the opposite occurred. There are a ton of gaffes that Biden makes basically every time that he speaks and if Trump had done that as often as Biden does every single article on Yahoo would have been about it. I am yet to see a single article on Yahoo that is based on this information.

Instead we get speculative articles that are based around the opinion of some retired dude that nobody has ever heard of about how Trump plans to steal the 2024 election.... even though he hasn't even said if he is going to run or not at this point.
It seems that Yahoo simply cannot let it go. Their Trump Derangement Syndrome is just too strong.
It is worth noting that of all the Trump or Biden articles that I opened, the comments section was deactivated.
Actually quite pathetic how many of the so called "news" sites operate and quite rightly state should be changing their tune as the dwindling numbers say they should. I haven't read a political news article in years as we all know there is no truth in any of them.
You are probably better off having not read them because you are correct, none of them are interested in you knowing any truth - they are just trying to bring you and everyone else over to their side. There is no journalism anymore, just activism.