First off we need to establish that this information comes from a single poll of less than 1500 people so just like any sort of political poll that ends up getting done, this cannot be taken as proof of the entire population feeling this way. I will say that I am glad to see that the major networks that I think almost all of us can agree are completely full of it, are the ones that are feeling the ire of the people the most as they are continuing to lose viewers hand over fist.

Now this story was "broken" by the mass media so there is no surprise they even with this small sample size they are still doing all that they can to try to frame it as Conservatives=bad, Liberals=good! when they point out that there has actually been an increase in the amount of people that were tuning into Fox News after the election. I think that if this is even true, which I doubt since the media lies about everything, if it WAS true then I think we can attribute this to a brief moment in time where conservatives wanted to celebrate because their guy won. Had the election gone the other way perhaps the opposite would have been the case, if any of it is true at all.
Regardless, I am happy to read about this particular piece of news about how people are increasingly ignoring the MSM. I believe that this industry has been completely partisan, regularly devoid of actual facts, and serves only as a propaganda machine to try to change public opinion. So if I am correct about this being the agenda of all the major news stations, I am happy that people are turning away from them regardless of what their reasoning is.

I don't regularly watch any of these but when I do tune in just to see what sort of lies and deception they are up to, it is completely understandable why more people would continue to watch Fox and how people would be walking away from MSNBC and CNN. The latter two have an almost "bitchy" quality to them where they are definitely salty over losing the election and the only thing they do is bring on "expert" after "expert" to explain to the very few remaining viewers why the people who voted for Trump are idiots and how democracy is over. Regardless of what your political views are, how long will this stay entertaining? I think their target audience is people who want to be mad all the time and they are going to give them the "information" necessary to keep that fire burning.
It could be presumed that Fox would be doing the same thing if the election had gone the other way so I'm not saying any one of them is better than the other: The situation is just different. I do think that we can all agree that Fox is absolutely kicking the crap out of their competitors though.
As usual the comments section on this article, that ironically was written by the mass media, is an absolute sh*t show of morons intermingled with a few people that have some really good points that are often downvoted for, i dunno, making sense.

Nobody downvoted this guy though because who can argue with that? I don't think you need to watch any MSM station for more than a few minutes before you realize that nobody is actually presenting facts, they are doing discussions that are the opinions of the people present and normally the people present aren't there to disagree with one another, they are there to pile on in agreement.
Nowhere is this more true that The View which is just a success story that makes zero sense to me.

While I have never subjected myself to the torture that it would be to watch an entire episode of these very angry women who talk over one another constantly even though all but one of them agree entirely with each other, it is the most popular daytime TV show in America. I was a kid once, and I remember thinking about how stupid daytime soap operas were because nothing was learned, the stories were absurd, and it had low production value. While I still think that about daytime soap opera dramas and kind of wonder if they still exist, they are dramatically better than watching crap like The View. The View's stories are absurd and also nothing is learned, just like soap operas only there are no entertaining love triangles or bizarre plot twists involving demonic possession.
I think that a lot of people might be watching this merely because there is nothing else on and being "number 1!" in a sea of things that nobody is watching because we all have streaming services now, isn't really the flex that The View might think it is.
Generally speaking though, I am delighted that this poll was released so that we can see that maybe, just maybe, people are starting to realize that the MSM if full of doodoo and that there is no reason to watch them at all. There's plenty of propaganda available online as well of course, but as far as that is concerned at least we don't have a bunch of sanctimonious talking heads that seem convinced their opinion needs to be the one that everyone else has as well. I mean, they are still trying to brainwash you, make no mistake about that, but at least we don't have to be talked down to by someone that likely has the intelligence of an 8th grader but just happened to be in a few popular movies in the 80s and 90s.
So if you are one of the people who are tuning out to political news, I commend you. I still look at it, but only to point out how terrible it remains. I really feel like all of the MSM are really missing out on a wonderful business opportunity because if someone, anyone, was to emerge as a truly unbiased source of factual news that was devoid of political slant, I think that there are a lot of people out there that would actually read and/or watch that.

It's easy to spot those who watch the MSN and those who don't - just listen for the current talking points. !BBH !WINE
oh yes, I remember how a few years ago nobody I know ever said "rhetoric" but if someone says that now I know that they are repeating what their news channel of choice told them to say.
@ironshield likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(3/100)@dumb-news! to your account on behalf of @ironshield.
(html comment removed:
I don't get these types of shows that think their points of views are important and everyone else who thinks differently is wrong. They are all fake and full of crap and have very few brain cells so good riddance.
I agree, I wouldn't watch them at all unless I was looking for something to make fun of. I can't imagine that mind of a person that watches any of this stuff in an attempt to actually know what is going on in the world.