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RE: Your car choice may have deadly consequences

in #news7 years ago

I have the feeling you are either in denial or missing my point. Have you ever seen a housewife drive an 18wheeler to yoga-class?
And have you never heard of software failures or mechanical errors in cars? People have died solely due to software errors, so you blaming individuals is just an easy copout without real arguments.

It's not just someone said SUVs are dangerous - studies have clearly shown this to be a fact!

There is a good reason we have seatbelts and airbags and ABS. These things save lives. And there are many valid arguments against using an 18wheeler to go buy flowers for your grandma or use an SUV as your everyday vehicle in a town with perfect road conditions.

I have no problems with big ass vehicles or their owners, especially if they are serving a real need or use case. But I do have a problem with how most consumers favour fancy but dangerous shit over the safety of their neighbours.

Sorry, but I find your comment disgustingly cynical and unempathic. A little girl died without any good reason and we as society are partially at fault if we keep on driving dangerous deathstars around town just to feel safe and special.


and I have a problem with YOU thinking that YOU "have a problem with how most consumers favour fancy but dangerous shit over the safety of their neighbours..

who gives a good god damn what you think?
what makes you special?

ever hear of freedom of choice?
(note: that's not just freedom to kill babies)

I understand your position. All I asked for people to think more about the safety of others before buying their next car. How come you feel threatened by that? Just a little bit compassion for others - is that too much for you?

I just expressed my opinion freely. How do you even come to the conclusions that I think I'm some kind of special snowflake?

By law you are forced to wear a seatbelt. Are you having a problem with that too? There is no freedom of choice as we are not living in anarchy and the law constantly limits our choices. Your freedom of choice is an illusion. And I never even asked people to be restricted any further, I asked for voluntary selfrestriction by reflecting on some egoistic and unneccessary behavior.

I think you're a bigot.
based entirely upon what you wrote.
you think you have some god given right to tell other people what to think and do.

my opinion based upon what you wrote.
in reality you probably love kittens.

Yeah, you're right. I am a total bigot. Everybody not sharing your views is a bigot.

My view is
I am the expert when it comes to driving
I'm a retired Over the Road Heavy Haul trucker
in the last thirty years I've driven three MILLION miles with no accidents, no tickets, no damage of any kind.
eighteen wheeler you say?
I LAUGH at your eighteen wheeler
I had thirteen AXELS.
If it has wheels I've likely driven it
i had to load a lot of my own stuff.
I've even driven many tracked equipement.
Bull dozers for example.
AND...I'm a biker
So don't tell ME..this study says this or that
I've seen it...personally
the most dangerous driver on the road (other than cops) is millie minivan mom
if they'd PAY ATTENTION to what they were doing...we'd have 90% LESS wrecks
that's right 90% (or more) of ALL accidents are driver error.

you would not BELIEVE what i've seen you morons do while you should be watching the road.
everything from oral sex to putting on makeup.

so don't tell ME what I should or should not drive.

You can't just dismiss studies because of personal experience and some anecdotes.
IF a crash happens, SUVs are more harmful to involved pedestrians. The driver skills are a completely different topic. You can call a fact bullshit all you want - it only shows your ignorance if you don't provide counter arguments. Please, point me to a study proving SUVs to be superior in terms of security for pedestrians.

You yourself are behaving like the special snowflake who thinks he knows it all and deserves special ccredibility because of driving skills and experience. But besides pointing out that this is not the biggest issue when it comes to accidents (I agree) you provided no real arguments against my case. I conclude you did neither understand my original topic, nor my appeal. The reason could be my language barrier, so I'll try to clarify:

You are certainly right that many people behave awfully on the road, but the woman in that particular accident was not at fault. The point is: you don't have to make a mistake to endanger others more than neccessarily. This was all I was trying to point out!

I'll rephrase my argument again:
If you drive a big ass vehicle just to do your daily chores in a crowded area like a city, you endanger others more than needed - this is unreasonable and egoistic.
My appeal was: please consider using a proper vehicle for your daily chores.

Have you ever seen someone buy a truck solely to run local errands and to get coffee at Starbucks?
I don't even understand why you would be against my point, as bikers are also more at risk thanks to big ass SUVs getting more and more market share.

I'm up for a real discussion, if you bring up real arguments. I only pointed out some factual flaws in SUVs and asked to be more reasonable. You can do whatever you like, but I have the same freedom to express my opinion.

oh hell yeah i can
I was there.
been there done that.
limpdick geeks sitting behind desks
are clueless about the real world.

Let me upvote myself so it looks like I said something important.