hai Steemians, this time we will see the beauty of the Sea in Aceh, especially the district of Aceh Jaya. Each region has its own characteristics. in aceh jaya besides known as durian tree and rubber tree there is also a very beautiful ocean, precisely in Keluang Island, Lamno Aceh Jaya.
hai Steemians, kali ini kita akan melihat keindahan Laut di Aceh khususnya kabupaten Aceh Jaya. Masing-masing daerah memiliki ciri tersendiri. di aceh jaya selain dikenal sebagai pohon durian dan pohon karet ada juga lautan yang sangat indah, tepatnya di Pulau Keluang, Lamno Aceh Jaya.
So, for those of you who like to find the beauty of the sea do not forget to Island Keuluang there you will see the beauty of the blue sea in high cliffs accompanied.
Jadi, bagi anda yang gemar mencari keindahan laut jangan lupa ke Pulau Keuluang disana anda akan melihat keindahan laut biru di tebing tinggi ditemani.
Beautiful sky with beautiful tree
Thanks 😊 follow me @remaja30