Chemtrails !! real or conspiracy ??

in #nature7 years ago (edited)

-= Chemtrails !! real or conspiracy ?? =-

i will briefly explain what they mean by chemtrails.

Chemtrails are the clouds from an aircraft that hang on, like on the picture.

With this story I want to figure out how many people who read this
have noticed and how much think it's true or conspiracy.

so can anyone who read this please reply at least one of the 3 options

  1. they are real.

  2. its conspiracy

  3. have not noticed

Chemtrails, sure!

That's water vapour (cloud) and ice particles condensing around fuel exhaust when the hot, moist air exiting from the engine.

Please do your investigation on scientific sites where you can read facts backed by evidence and not only beliefs backed by speculation.

Don't just listen some random people. (don't listen to me neither!) Not sure if they are also misinformed or deliberately want to misguide others.

Here is a clue:
Condensation trails [English]
Kondensstreifen [German]

Logical questions to the others who commented:

  • If the mass killing chemtrail business goes on since the 40s, than why the population more than doubled since on earth? Shouldn't be all dead already?
  • Okay, it's attack against the weak. But aren't the weak dies anyway? Why someone wants to spend billions on a pointless project?
  • There was not a singe "Snowden guy" exposed this, since 77 years?

Have an open mind, but don't believe everything!:)

I first heard about chemtrails in Nexus Magazine back in the 90's. I was skeptical. Then I walked out of work one afternoon and noticed a tic tac toe pattern in the sky. A lot reading and research. My conclusion is they are a secret eugenics depopulation program. I have noticed that about a week after a chemtrail attack, people at work get the flu or bad colds and call off sick. Older people and less healthy folks get respiratory infections. If the PTB can just raise the mortality rate by a point or two they can reduce the "useless eaters" and no one notices.

okay thank u very much..

At first I thought it was bullshit, but after further investigation, I realized that I just did not notice it.

They're real, though I'm not delving into any conspiracy theories. Been seeing vapor trails from aircraft in the sky for as long as I can remember. In fact when I was I kid, I tried to convince my parents that planes made clouds. LOL! Oh and btw,
You have a new follower! I always make it a point to go through my list of followers and follow new fans. I also go to their blog and find an original post to comment on and resteem, see who I'm following and kind of introduce myself. I also am curious where you found me, as I would like to continue to grow and am keeping track of what's working and what isn't. I await your reply!

They're real, I think that too ... but what r they do ... and why is there no official statement. A global project so big and visible as this and nobody exactly knows what they are doing

  1. they are real.

Geoengineering aka solar radiation management has been around the since the 40's.

This is fact, not a theory.

I have links to many, many documents on my website to back this up.

I like this kind of post, thanks :o)


Nice so far everybody says it is real.. 100% of the 4 people ; )
need to reach more people !!