Heroes are those who do everyday things in spite of extreme pain and adversity

in #my6 years ago

My younger brother died ten days ago from cancer pancreas. He was 55. he taught me more than I realized and I already miss him deeply. He raised three fantastic children and, when I last saw him, he expressed no real fear even though I know that he was very worried about his future in the eternities. He was spiritually unprepared and I sensed that he was hoping for some comforting message from me. I failed to give it to him and am kicking myself very hard. I was too insensitive and when I said to him that I had better be off, he looked at me and said, "Must you go?" I replied, "Yes, I must go home." I gave him a hug and said "be strong," and got on my bike and rode away. The thing is that, had I been a little more sensitive and listened to that 'still small voice', I would have said, "No, I must not go, I am going to stay with you!" Ja, hindsight is always a harsh teacher and I will forgive myself only after I again hug him one day and he tells me that it's alright.