DrawDiction #3 | Accordion

in #music7 years ago

accordion a-kör'di-on, n. a musical instrument consisting of folding bellows, keyboard and free metal reeds.

The accordion for me holds a special place somewhere in the streets of Paris, its sound that I love. The accordion for me brings to memories dancing in Tours to Yann Tiersen's songs, writing my thesis to La Rue Ketanou or concerts where friends play the instrument.

The accordion also reminded me of the harmonium, an instrument I associate with Carnatic music lessons from my childhood. My music teacher would sing the varnas with one hand constantly playing the harmonium, a sound that I near detested because I was never a good Carnatic classical singer. Turns out the accordion and harmonium are both reed organ instruments and are closely related. Who'd have imagined that I would spent most of my childhood loathing the act of singing to one and many years later love to dance to the sound of the other.


pen on paper, 2015