《黑豹》中的“瓦坎达”原来在这里,有全球唯一的海底邮局(The Vacanda in the Panthers was originally here, and it has the only submarine post office in the world.)

in #movie7 years ago


去水下邮局,寄一张独一无二的明信片神秘的国度总会有无数神奇的景致,但没有一处能比Hideaway Island附近的水下邮局,更具振奋人心的魅力。金色的朝阳由海面缓缓上升,浪花此起彼伏地拍打着岸边的礁石,小岛旁的水下邮局,依然安静地隐秘于海水之中。潜入梦幻的海底世界,一路穿梭于色彩斑斓的珊瑚群,向着水下邮局前行,投递出全世界独一无二的水下明信片。绿色的水下邮政营业厅内,身着潜水服,背着氧气瓶的蛙人营业员,等候着前来寄信的游人,为人们的明信片盖上与众不同的邮戳。

在伊顿潟湖边,凹经典造型距离Blue Water Resort约15分钟车程的伊顿潟湖绝对是INS上旅行达人最爱打卡拍照的地方之一了。茂盛的榕树枝丫一直生长到潟湖里,游人们顺着垂下来的藤蔓,一使劲就荡进了湖水中央。周围的Eton Beach提供游泳、浮潜、钓鱼等水上项目,一次性玩水玩个尽兴吧!在瓦国,可以很冒险
去桑托岛,挑战热带雨林洞穴倘若你有一颗不甘于“现成”美景的心,不如跟着当地经验丰富的领队一起去征服雄伟的Millenium Cave。一路上你需要徒步穿越热带雨林、趟水过河,甚至还需要攀爬陡峭的岩石。当然,最后抵达南桑托岛的中央洞穴中的景色,一定不负沿途的艰辛。在瓦国,可以很多彩
拜访神秘而有趣的原始部落糟糕的交通让瓦国沦为全球最穷的国家之一,却也藏住了一块任谁看了都会被吸引过去的原生态自然环境。这里仍有很多处于原始状态的神秘的部落,走进原始丛林,探访他们的部落,是洞悉过去几个世纪原住民生活方式,感受神秘的美拉尼西亚文化的绝佳机会。他们衣着简陋,却没有丢失审美;脸上的彩绘寄托了驱邪祈福的美好祝福;村里的房屋称不上坚固,却能在坍塌之后迅速恢复重建;他们对富有、贫穷的概念并不清晰,却似乎对稀奇的零食有着更强烈的兴趣;每一个村落的装扮都各不相同,即便是低温天也保持赤身裸体的状态。在这里,你会发现快乐与物质无关,看到他们的欢歌笑语,会发自内心的感到幸福和感动。by 马蜂窝 张大枪湛蓝到近似透明的海水把这个国度层层包裹,神秘的海底蓝洞和葱郁无边的密林是它的装扮,这片土地有着无尽探索的乐趣。如果可以,愿你我也能像生活在这座神奇国度的少年那样,泛着小舟悠然穿行于平静的海水之上,过上一段远离尘世的幸福生活。小贴士?航班:国内没有直飞瓦努阿图的航班,中国游客前往瓦努阿图可以在澳大利亚、斐济或者新西兰、新喀里多尼亚转机前往。?船运:广州—香港—悉尼—维拉港;上海/天津—釜山—维拉港。?签证:免签。如果经由斐济前往的话,两个国家都可以免签,所以无需办理签证;如果是经由澳大利亚或者新西兰转机前往,则需要提前办理好澳大利亚或者新西兰的中转签证。?汇率:人民币对瓦图的汇率大约在1:16到1:17?消费水平:因为物资大多依靠进口,因此瓦努阿图虽然贫穷,物价水平却并不算低。

Deep words need to say shallowly that the long road to be squandered is to care for people who want to be foolishly in love with the big world and to really feel it in the troubled world. There is a place where it is not sorrow or weeping and it is lonely and guarding. That rare tranquility. In the history of change, there is a place where it has no regrets and no regrets and plays the role that the person is forgotten by the world. When people are curious about the "Warkanda," a black and isolated country in the "Black Panther", in the far South Pacific, there is actually a realistic version of "Varkanda". The sunshine there can warm your shoulders; the people there, with eyes in sight, smile brightly. Obviously one of the poorest countries in the world, it has become the happiest country in the world. People here are poor but happy. On the one hand, it is a volcanic earth-shattering volcano. The red flames brighten day and night day after day; the clear, transparent waters on the other hand, the intoxicating blue color envelops the colorful underwater world; it is Vanuatu, which sings water and The beautiful country of the song of fire, that has a wonderful underwater post office, simple folk customs, full of happiness in the country. In Waziland, it can be very literary
In Tannery Blue Cave, come and sneak a mysterious and imaginary blue hole, like a dazzling pearl on the coast of the island, surrounded by beautiful and beautiful corals. Be sure to choose one morning, accompanied by the radiant sunshine, and dive into the warm waters, chase the trails of marine life, and walk through the fantastic underwater world. Place yourself in the blue hole and imbue it with a colorful dream. Swarms of sardines swim lightly; coral reefs of various shapes are more colorful under the sun. Gradually, as the tide rises, the originally visible blue holes gradually hide in the vast ocean. Back to the restaurant on the shore, in the thatched cottage surrounded by the jungle, overlooking the blue sea, enjoy a typical traditional lunch and enjoy a relaxing afternoon on the beach.
Go to the underwater post office and send a unique postcard. Mysterious country always has a myriad of magical sights, but there is no one that can be more exciting than the underwater post office near Hideaway Island. The golden sun rises slowly from the surface of the sea. Waves beat the rocks on the shores one after another. The underwater post office next to the island is still quietly hidden in the sea. Dive into the dreamy underwater world and travel all the way through the colorful coral colonies and head for the underwater post office to deliver the world's unique underwater postcards. In the green underwater postal business hall, a frogman salesperson wearing a diving suit and carrying an oxygen cylinder waited for the visitors to send letters, and stamped people's postcards with distinctive postmarks.
The Eaton Lagoon, about 15 minutes drive from the Blue Water Resort on the edge of the Eaton Lagoon, is definitely one of the places on the INS traveler's favorite punch. The lush twigs have been growing into the lagoon. The people amble along the hanging vines and rush into the middle of the lake. The surrounding Eton Beach offers swimming, snorkelling, fishing and other water sports. In Wazi, it can be very risky
Going to Isuzu volcano to see the highest tide of the flames bloomed by Shen Yan must be visiting the famous Issur volcano. A huge roar resounded through the sky, shaking violently with the ground, and it was full of desolation. Red smoke, turbulent in the crater, revealed a glorious sight in desperation. Gradually into the night, the volcanic eruption is more and more frequent and beautiful, once every few minutes spewing once, such as ten thousand fireworks, but also as a meteor shower, instantly restore calm, brewing the next round of exciting. The moment of eruption, like fireworks, is far more beautiful than fireworks. Boiling magma soared and gushes out magma, volcanic ash, smoke, and steam. In the night sky, there was a symphony of redness and roar. The flames of God are smashed here, accompanied by a loud rumbling, the flames in front of them, the magma flowing, and there is no other thing except the fear of nature.
Go to Santo Island and Challenge the Tropical Rainforest Cave If you have a heart that is unwilling to be “ready made”, it is better to join the local experienced team leader to conquer the majestic Millenium Cave. Along the way, you need to hike through the rainforest, drown across the river, and even climb steep rocks. Of course, the scene of the final arrival in the central cave of the South Santos Island will certainly not be the hardships along the way. In the tile country, it can be very colorful
Visiting the colourful Port Vila Market It is said that if you want to learn about a place, either go to a local museum or go to the market. The atmosphere in the museum is solemn and calm, and the past is more about the past. The food market is full of enthusiasm and eclecticism. It is a cross-section of daily life. There is no grand scale, but there are all kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables. From morning to night, this place is intertwined with dizzying colors, filled with busy traders indiscriminately, and forms the unique cultural center of the town. The local happiness index is high and absolutely inextricably linked to the character of being lazy to extreme. The vendors here never take the initiative to solicit guests. The goods that are sold back to the market will not be sold nor will they be moved. Some people will just put their money on food and the stall owners will sit side by side talking about the land. This has become a microcosm of the entire city’s humanistic life, giving this ever-changing city a strong local flavor. It is precisely this rich culture that makes Vanuatu even more distinctive.
Visiting the mysterious and intriguing primitive tribe, the poor transportation made Waku one of the poorest countries in the world, but also hidden an original natural environment where anyone would be attracted. There are still many mysterious tribes in the primitive state. Walking into the primitive jungle and visiting their tribes is a great opportunity to get acquainted with the aboriginal lifestyle of the past few centuries and to experience the mysterious Melanesian culture. They were not well dressed, but they did not lose their aesthetic; their faces painted with good wishes to exorcise evil spirits; the houses in the village were not sturdy, but they were able to recover quickly after they collapsed; their concept of richness and poverty was not clear. It seems that there is a more intense interest in exotic snacks; each village dresses up differently and stays naked even at low temperatures. Here, you will find that happiness is not related to material. When you see their song and laughter, you will feel happy and moved from your heart. By horses, honeycombs, blue guns, and near-transparent seawater, the country is surrounded by layers of seawater. The mysterious blue hole on the sea floor and the lush green jungle are its costumes. This land has endless fun to explore. If you can, I hope you and I can live like a teenager living in this magical country. You can float on a calm boat of water in a small boat and live a happy life away from earthly world. Tips? Flights: There is no direct flight to Vanuatu in China. Chinese tourists to Vanuatu can transfer to Australia, Fiji or New Zealand, New Caledonia. Shipping: Guangzhou - Hong Kong - Sydney - Port Vila; Shanghai / Tianjin - Busan - Port Vila. Visa: Exemption. If you are visiting via Fiji, both countries can be exempted from visas, so you do not need to apply for a visa. If you are traveling via Australia or New Zealand, you need to apply for a transit visa for Australia or New Zealand in advance. Exchange rate: The exchange rate of RMB against VARTO is about 1:16 to 1:17. Consumption level: Because materials are mostly imported, Vanuatu is poor but price levels are not low.

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