A Geeky Dad's Movie Guide to Thor: Ragnarok (2017)

in #movie-review7 years ago (edited)

Usually when I see a movie, I can form a solid opinion of it almost instantly. But every once in a while, I need to truly contemplate how I feel about a film. Yesterday, My son and I saw Thor: Ragnarok and I am still on the fence.

Here's my dilemma...

Is Thor Ragnarok the greatest comic book movie I have ever seen or is it merely in the top 3?

What a nice problem too have.

As I sit down to write this, I still don't have the answer. What I do know, is that it was sensational. I also know it was the most fun comic book movie I have ever seen.

For me, The Dark Knight is one of the best movies I have ever seen. It transcends the comic book genre. I consider it more of a crimefighter trying to stop a terrorist story rather than a mere "comic book movie". So I will set that one aside. The creative team behind Thor: Ragnarok was not trying to make a deep movie (but its not totally vapid either).

So that leaves Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 1. I am still in awe of the combination of action, humor, and heart in that film. Although this installment of Thor's story does not have the heart of GotG, it has more action and humor. So I will take the cop out here and say that Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol 1 is a better and more complete movie... but that I would be more likely to watch Thor: Ragnarok over and over again. It is going to be one of those movies that I will leave on every time it is playing on TV.

I try very hard to never spoil any movies, but if you are overly cautious, stop reading this now and go and see the movie immediately. If you trust me, I'll tell you why it is so awesome.

Everything is awesome! Everything is awesome when it is part of Thor: Ragnarok!

Thor: Ragnarok is the perfect comic book movie. Comic books are supposed to be exciting, humorous and fun. The writing team of Eric Pearson, Craig Kyle, and Christopher Yost did the perfect job of writing a comic book for the big screen. What I found interesting is that this is all these three writers do. If you check out IMDB, you will find that super hero stories are pretty much all these guys tell. For many other comic book movies, they bring in movie writers who are willing and able to take a stab at the genre. However, this time, the producers brought in a team dedicated 100% to the genre.

Next, the producers teamed these writers with a rather unknown director, Taika Waititi. While checking out his IMDB page, one thing jumped out at me. Waititi directed several episodes of the brilliant comedy, Flight of the Concords. This teaming of writers dedicated to telling super hero stories with a director who knows humor made for the perfect combination.

comic book movie!). Thor immediately starts cracking jokes to a skeleton... and then continues telling them to a giant fire demon. He continues doing this throughout the movie. But the humor never feels forced or gets in the way. That is one of the most impressive things about the film. Thor is funny... when the situation calls for it (and a few when it doesn't). But he is also fighting for the survival of his people. Therefore, the writers must know when to turn the humor off so Thor can be serious and heroic. Chris Hemsworth straddles the line between humor and hero perfectly.There are so many quality one-liners in this movie that I thought it might be an advertisement for the #punchline tag here on steemit. Within the first five minutes, it is very clear that the audience should not take the movie too seriously (Why should they? It's a

Few people remember Thor's time as assistant to the regional manager at Dunder Mifflin, Inc.

Even though I laughed many times with Thor, he is not even close to the funniest character. Hulk is an absolute riot in the movie. Presumably because he has remained in his superhuman form for so long, Hulk has improved his ability to speak. He's still not quite at the conversational level of English, but he knows enough to be absolutely hilarious. Surprisingly, some of the best scenes in the movie are of Hulk and Thor talking (but the best ones are of the two of them fighting each other). In addition to Hulk's newfound verbal humor, he still has the ability to engage in some physical slapstick comedy as well. Did you ever wonder what the three stooges would be like if they had super-human strength? Wonder no more. Both Thor and Hulk will show you how it would look. Believe me, it's hysterical.

My 12 year old son, Timmy, thinks the funniest character in the movie is a rock monster named Korg (brilliantly voiced by director Taika Waititi). I honestly can't write too much without spoiling the jokes, but I have to agree with my son on this one. Although Korg is not a main character, it is nearly impossible to avoid smiling or laughing every time he is on the screen.

In addition to the jokes and slapstick humor, there are a couple of brilliant cameos. I would never spoil anyone's fun by revealing who they are, but they were incredibly clever.

I honestly do not think they missed on a single joke. Every one delivered. Some had me laughing a bit longer than I should have been. (I think I may have embarrassed my son a couple of times.)

But don't worry. This movie is not solely a comedy. It is an incredibly exciting movie that uses comedy. There is a ton of action. Normally, movie trailers give away all the best parts of a movie. The most exciting pieces are only slightly longer in the actual film. That is not the case here. There were many surprise action sequences. Even the ones that were shown in the trailer last for a significant amount of time. If I listed all of the different battles, you would think I was exaggerating... and I'd ruin your fun. So I won't. Out of the 130 minutes, I would estimate that at least 70 of them involved some sort of battle. When there isn't a battle, there is humor or a meaningful set up... for upcoming humor or action. There is no wasted time in this movie. In fact, I wish it were slightly longer so I could have seen a little bit more of one really cool fight.

Thor: Ragnarok is not all silliness. Hela, the villain wonderfully portrayed by Cate Blanchett, is pure evil. She is dark and vicious (She is also smoking hot! You go 48 year old Cate!). The character is fleshed out just enough to make the audience truly hate her. In addition, there are also some opportunities for characters to do some soul searching and decide which path they will choose.

What is perhaps the most impressive thing of all is that in-between the humor, action, and fun... they actually wrote a story that makes sense (if you can suspend your disbelief enough to enjoy a living comic book). The creative team did not leave very many (if any) plot holes. The writers took the time to make sure the audience could understand the reasons behind every characters' behavior/choices as well as the events taking place.

Ho hum. It's just a giant Hulk attacking an even more enormous fire demon. Yawn.

It seems that we have become so spoiled by today's technology that visual and sound effects are only mentioned when they disappoint. I refuse to ignore just how amazing both were in this film. They are perfect! Every detail from the world building, to the Hulk, to a giant wolf, all look incredibly real. I was very pleased that I chose to see the movie in a special Dolby Cinema theater. These theaters are designed to provide the best possible visual and audio experience possible. It did not disappoint. The visuals and sound were so amazing that it was worth the extra money to see it in Dolby. The next time I see it (which will be later this week) I am going to drive 30 minutes to see it in real 2D IMAX.

Can kids see it? Obviously, you have to use your own judgement, but if they could handle The Avengers they can handle this. Although it is not as dark as Avengers: Age of Ultron, it is still a comic book movie filled with a significant amount of unrealistic violence.

Should you see it? I can't believe you are still reading this. You should have closed your laptop and headed to the theater to see Thor: Ragnarok 1400 words ago!

One more quick F.Y.I. There are two post credit scenes. The first one is important to the future of the Marvel Universe. The second is just silly fun. Both were worth waiting for.

Geeky Dad's Movie Guide

Number of times I fell asleep: 0 (Is there a number lower than 0?)
Number of eye rolls: 0
Number of face palms: 1 (But not the bad kind. Double face palm because I couldn't believe how funny something was.)
Number of times my kid asked to go to the bathroom or get food out of sheer boredom: 0 (Is there a number lower than 0?)
Number of times I checked steemit: 0
Number of times I said "That's ridiculous": 0 (Suspension of disbelief required)
Did my kids like it: My son LOVED it. I am taking my daughter in a few days.
Would I see it without my kids: I'd only see it 5-10 times without them.
Full price/Matinee/Rental/Free/Not worth the time: See it in a premium theater (IMAX, Dolby, etc.) if you are able. It is worth the time and money.

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Excellent review!

Not trying to be spoiler-ey, but the ship you see at the end...it was HIM, right?


This is a very good in-depth analysis without spoiling it. Surely with all the special effects we can enjoy the movie whether from a theater or just watching it with our mobile devices @hanshotfirst

Thank you for the excellent review....

Glad you enjoyed... strongest streemian.

This is one the movies i have being waiting for. Thouh im not such a fan of comic stories but i enjoy them. Lovely post.

This one is so much fun that you don’t need to be a comic book fan. Enjoy!

One of the most glowing movie reviews I have read from you. Solidifies my decision to go see Thor and Hulk ham it up.

I liked the movie a lot while watching because of the humor, although sometimes it felt a bit unappropriated for the situation and took the gravity of the situation which I was used to in the other Thor movies.
I think the quality of this movie is in the brilliance of the performances and the colorful and convincing world building.

To the characters, their was not one character in the entire film I disliked Hella is a force every time she's on screen and she's just so unapologetic about her prowess, also the combo of Hulk and Thor with Valkyrie (and some Loki), just works so well.
As you mentioned the world's so detailed it makes fun to just look around. Not to forget that their some nice messages about growing up and responsibilities.

Nice review ! :)

Great analysis! I think this would make a nice post.

Hha maybe if I went into more detail.

Thank you ! :)

This is a new age Lethal Weapon movie, only in this case instead of Riggs and Murtaugh we have Thor and Hulk. Movie was very fun and worth to watch in the cinema. Fun times and smile on your face, what more to ask for.

Great analogy. I didn’t think about the “buddy pic” angle. You are dead on!

Wow! What a great review @hanshotfirst ! This is definitely a show I would like to see now after reading your post , I love comedy , and Hulk !! LOL! Upped and resteemed !👍👍👍😊❤

Hi Karen! Haven’t chatted in a while. I hope you are doing well.

All is good ! Always steeming on my friend !!👍✌💕😂

nice picture. beautiful

Nice post, I would really watch the movie, watched the trailer and it was funny and cool at the same time. Keep it up.

Chris Hemsworth is a great actor. I like him. He did a fantastic job from past few years. I hope he will prove it again and again.

I saw it with my 16 year old son last night. We both loved it. The humour was very well done

I had high expectations and it actually surpassed them. Glad you and your son enjoyed. I love that there are so many movies I can enjoy with my kids! Great time to be a movie loving dad!

This is an amazing! I am waiting to see this movie.

Completely agree. I thought it was the perfect balance of action, comedy, suspense and drama. One of those movies that has the right amount of everything. There were some great one liners in it. Perfect amount of action. My only question is, how do they fix his hammer for the next Avengers movie? haha

I had to ask my son that question. There is an answer in the comic books...

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retro aspect within the whole movie. The music was very well composed. It was a mix between synthesizers and 80's - 90's electronic music. It remains me a bit of the soundtrack of Stranger Things.
STEEM ON.Thanks for sharing you review @hanshotfirst. I saw it yesterday. What I liked most was the

PS: I hope they can continue filming good of better movies like this one.

I'm going to go watch this, purely on your recommendation ;)

Good review!

Thanks! I hope you enjoy. It was so much fun!

I'm sure we will! Thanks again :)

After hearing so much appreciation by you about this movie Ragnarok, i want to see this movie hope i'll see it in couple of days...:)

Thanks Han,
Who watches the full credits for any movie?

Marvel fans lol

I will go and watch it now on my kodi I douldnt read all your post as I dont want to spoil it but what I read so far is enough to get my movie tastebuds going. I like your movie reviews and I have yet to disagree with you.

I think i am to old to understand these new comic stories. Still like the old comicbook stories. Glad you enjoyed it.

While I loved Thor Ragnarok (the treatment of the movie is refreshingly different and there isn't a dull moment), I feel calling it the greatest movie based on a comic book character is taking it a bit too far - that right solely belongs to The Dark Knight (this is a movie that will stand the test of time).

Thor Ragnarok is nevertheless among the most fun movies from Marvel Studio - though I still wouldn't rate it the most fun - that's an opinion I reserve for the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie - ho boy that was something! This one is close enough though - it would've been better if it had a better storyline (which I think was the weak part of the movie)

Lol you literally listed the exact two movies I was struggling with in my top three. I actually addressed this in the first few paragraphs. I took dark knight out of the argument because it transcends comic book movies.

its not a fact that comic books are comes alive with movie, a biggest part of movie world is dominating with comic version and they success.

Loved your review. I just watched it few hours ago.
Here's why I feel it's absolutely best movie-

  1. The funky music and BGM will be a new experience, I loved it!👏
  2. Humor, sarcasm and fun throughout the movie.
    Overall it's a shift that superhero movies can be funky, awesome and different at the same time.

I need to watch this movie.

Thanks for the review..I can watch the movie now

awesome review......my favourite movie

Good post

Waw amazing

very interesting writing enjoyed to read it dear @hanshotfirst you did a good job ofcourse

Great review. I look forward to checking the movie out!

Nice post
Thanks for sharing

Craze for Thor will always be in its top :)

super post keep it up diffrent topicks post by you people like very much i upvote you pls kindly you upvote and honest comments me.

Good post
Nice riview, thanks

Wow.. Wanna watch that.. I love scifi, i love power power movies.. Hihihihih

Thank you for the excellent review. Will add this to my list of must see movies thanks.

Hi..i just follow and upvote you...please follow and upvote me

awesome movie review . i like it. good review. well done.

Good film Brother I saw 8 days ago and I enjoyed too much, but I hope see to Thor with two eyes again

I was looking forward to this movie to come out in the theaters I really appreciate you giving us this information thank you for sharing you I have my vote and resteem

I will definitely watch this one like the other Thors. :-)
But I will wait till this comes on blu-ray and watch it at home.

I am still waiting for watch this movie. I think it will be enjoyable.

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Thor ragnarok was a brilliant film and i saw many parallels with this new Thor film with Guardians of the Galaxy.

I saw the trailers and I was really curious about it. Of course, I was not expecting the good sense of humor part from the trailers. Will try to see it in the next few weeks (possibly with the big boy) :)

I agree it was a nice movie. Great review.

nice post.

This movie looks great. I can't wait to see it.

But i feel sad because thor lose his 1 eye
Now he look likes his dad
And hulk was awsome in this movie
And hulk vs thor battle was superb

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