This is the first time that I have ever been g]hesitant about reading your post. I mean, how dare you post a review of the movie three days before I am going to take the fam-jam to see it. I felt like I was reading through with one eye closed. Peaking at the words just in case there was a spoiler and I have to shut my eyes quickly. Not sure why I was concerned because as always you gave an epic review without so much as ruining anything for me. To be honest, I am even more excited to see the movie now than I was yesterday. It has bee a long week of putting my fingers in my ears and humming loudly as my students have blabbered on about this movie. I suppose one might say it is my fault for waiting until the second weekend to go see it but time didn't permit it to happen last week.
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I always very careful never to include spoilers. My next post might be all about how much I hate spoilers. I really think you will like this one quite a bit.