What Next?

in #motivation7 years ago

What Next?

This is a question most young persons are faced with during a particular face in their life. An average Nigerian youth after service gets to answer this question. At this point the family, and community feels they've contributed so much in the life of that person, and it's time to give back.


This is where the cash flow quadrant comes in. Knowing the business quadrant you should belong in is very pertinent if you really want to enjoy financial freedom.

Here's an explanation of the cash flow quadrant by Robert Kiyosaki
"There was an important diagram my rich dad showed me when I was a little boy. It was a diagram known as the Cash Flow Quadrant. And the Quadrant is made of four different people who make of the business world.


So my rich dad said, "In the business world there are E s and E stands for employees. And the employees, you can always tell who they are by their core values. An employee with the president, the generator of the company, will always say the same words. The words are, "I'm looking for a safe, secure job with benefits." That's what makes them employees because their core value is security."
The other one of the four is the S for the small business owner or the self-employed and again their core values will cause them to use the same words which are, "If you want it done right, do it by yourself." S means they are also solo. Generally one person act, they operate by themselves.
On the right side of the Cash Flow Quadrant are the B s. And my rich dad said, "the B stood for big business, or like Bill Gates. For B s define big business as 500 employees or more. And their words are different.
They'll say, "I'm looking for good system, good network, and the smartest people I know to help run my business." Unlike the
S, they don't want to run the company by themselves. They want smart people run the company for them."
And then, the fourth of the Cash Flow Quadrant is the I . And the I stands for the investor. These are people who have money work hard for them. These people in the B Quadrant have people work hard for them. And these people in the E & S Quadrant are the people who work hard for the rich here in the right side of the Cash Flow Quadrant, for the
B s and I s

We all can relate with the analysis above. It's either we belong to one of the quadrant, or we intend belonging to one. Gone are the days when as a young person, all you think of is graduating with a good degree, and get a high income job. If you still think this way, it's best you wake up from that sleep and get to work.It's fact that unemployment is on the rise, and there are limited job opportunities.

A high percentage of us belong to the E and S quadrant, this quadrant will never guarantee you financial freedom. You get a high income job, you have bills to settle, how much is left for you to save?, some of us even forget to invest because we are very comfortable with the amount we are earning at that moment. What's the guarantee of that job? How certain are you that the company won't wake up one morning and decide to lay off workers? What becomes of you if this happens to be your fate?. The reason you see a person living a very comfortable life today, and tomorrow the person goes back to square one, is because they fail to invest. I'll talk about the importance of investment in my latter Post.

The self employed quadrant is synonymous to self slavery.You own a business, but then again you have to work your ass off to keep the business going. You're the C.E.O as well as the staff of your business, in this quadrant, you're working for money, if you ain't working, you ain't making money, If you ain't there your business doesn't move ahead.


With the little information you have of the business quadrant, you should know the quadrant you'll love to belong to.
Be ready for this new phase of your life
Be ready to invest your time, intellect, money.
Be ready to take decisions, and be responsible for your actions.
Be ready to stand firm on your decisions, you can't be having second thoughts, that only shows you ain't ready.
Be ready to shun all forms of distractions, including sporadic spending.

Most young persons are faced with the "where do I get capital from?" I wouldn't advice you get a job, because you might get too comfortable, I mean what if the company decides to keep doubling your pay every month? It becomes very difficult for you to leave, you then find out you're stocked. This is where networking comes in ,you could make a very good amount of money from networking.
Your income might be so attractive you're tempted to spend extravagantly, at this point you want to get the latest gadget,car, shun this desire, spend only on your "need". If you've saved enough, you can now invest in that dream business. Set goals, smash the shit out of them, believe in your brand, and do everything possible in your power to make it work, do not forget the power of consistency.

As a young person, it's important you thrive to be in the B or I quadrant, don't get comfortable in the E and S quadrant, let money work for you, it's very possible for you to sit in the comfort of your home, and still make so much money.


this is genius. these an eye opener for me. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for reading