
Life is made of molecules which are made of elements...

Everything is made of elements, living or not. Besides, context comes into play when comparring. He is saying people are as different as chemichal elements on the table, which is ignorant at best. He either doesn't know chemistry or people. Throw different elements into fire, they will act very differently. Throw in some people, they all act the same.
It makes me feel sad when people try to justify injustice. The author of this article cosiders the wealth distribution we have now is normal, and we should do nothing about it. To pile on the hypocrisy, he's posting this gross misconception as truth, on a platform designed to combat that graph. If he likes elitists so much, what is he doing on steemit? Why not post this on Facebook? Why even bother joining a network that goes against his ideal of "normal"?

Right, so, if you add a proton to each element, what happens? That was the original question I was trying to answer.

It is normal. You do not decide how much money people make. There is no injustice about it. People are different and as such get paid differently. This is not elitism, this is a result of the spectrum of our diversity. Bill Gates changed the world and he's rich. Good for him. None of your business...

First of all I have no problem with any particular man, it's the system that's broken. Bill Gates owns his success to generations of people before him, who made his inventions possible. Much like a blockchain, it's all connected and goes waaay way back.
Yes, it's true, if you give a million dollars to everybody things will probably just go worse, because you are not addressing the real issue. It's like trying to cure a brain tumor with Vaseline ( that's how to metaphor btw ).
The problem with your idea of "normal" is that you basically upvote the status quo, and in your cold logic there is no place for compassion. Perhaps that is normal for you as well.
I'll stop reading anything else here, since it's heartbreaking to see how many of you prefer us, as a species, to behave as reptiles. Not as loving human beings who understand that we are all connected, not evem warm blooded mammals... Reptiles 😔

What's your solution besides crying and calling names?

Here you done did it. See what happens when I turn from sad to angry.

The validity of a complaint hinges on the viability of the alternative offered. Nothing sheepish about that. The reason I understand economics is because i don't "ignore" information. This is a compelling case for you to follow me, not the other way around.