TATCH 👻 TRADING ANALYSIS: [RIOT] is Riot Blockchain a dead stock ? Dead cat bounce ?

in #money7 years ago

Hello !

A few days/weeks back, one of our TCN's holder point us out to Riot.

Price Action

Price shows some good opportunities with a large confluence of patterns: Wolfe, Wedge, TL break with price retest and everything.
Price "should" go for at least one of 3 blue line with 22$ as a potential target (elasticity related).
Capture d’écran 2018-02-26 à 22.33.19.png

"Tout ce qui brille n'est pas d'or"

Despite some good price actions, company made infamous media titles last week as Gartman (a famous "investor"/Tv-Host) got allegedly 'rekt' betting on this stock.

Worst an investigation from CNBC shows the company as 'scamy' and probably fraudulent:
See: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-02-20/gartman-blows-riot-blockchain https://www.cnbc.com/2018/02/16/public-company-changes-name-to-riot-blockchain-sees-shares-rocket.html

Riot is not the only blockchain related company in torments... https://wolfstreet.com/2018/02/18/blockchain-stocks-completely-disintegrate/

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Much love


Tatch Capital Limited


[TCN]: Tatch Convertible Note (aka TatchCoin)







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All disclaimers and common sense apply.
No advise, just personal commentary.
"Never go full retard".