If you define redistribution as theft, then sure. But doing that is a circular argument, so doesn't hold any water on it's own. SHOUTING about it isn't going to change that.
I have been working and studying for 25 years, I got no help from anybody, everything was hard, nothing was easy. You do not know who you are talking to.
Actually that is totally incorrect. I am against the status quo of deficit spending, printing money out of thin air, overtaxation and war. Just to name a few. I don't think you are capable of understanding what I am in favor of...
One thing is clear, you're not in favor of wealth redistribution.
Money are a tool. As long as you say the wealth distribution we have today is justified and healthy, you are in favor of war, famine and children dying.
Of-course you could never agree to that. The thing about psychopaths is, they may lack empathy and compassion, but they are aware of what normal people expect to hear.
You should probably just stop writing. As long as you make it clear that you agree with this post and that graph, you cannot come out of this looking good.I see through you!
Actually, if our government didn't tax and print and deficit spend there would be much less war, famine and child deaths. Everything wrong in society is caused by government. The worst enemy of free man is government. Government only kills, steals and destroys, nothing else. You are posting all over the place but you have failed to provide any solutions, just name-calling and hysteria... My contention is manipulating the graph with THEFT is no answer, it will make things worse. What is your contention? Nobody knows!
Through all your posts you are defending the graph as normal and the way it should be. You don't propose a single solution, now that you're under the spotlight you start blaming governments. Governments are in debt, which means, they are owned by the very rich you're trying to defend.
Maybe it's not much, but it's something.
You are either a very articulate fool or a puppet.
The thing that really stands out here is that you are calling redistribution of wealth THEFT. You are doing this on a platform designed to re-distribute wealth from Facebook(status quo type business) to the people. What is this if not hypocrisy? You are redistributing wealth just by being here. Are you a thief? Is steemit just a gang of crooks?
You cannot favor the disease and be against it's symptoms. Want to know what I'm actually trying to do about it? https://vialcoin.com/white-paper/
I have been working and studying for 25 years, I got no help from anybody, everything was hard, nothing was easy. You do not know who you are talking to. I'm not going anywhere. I recommend you move to North Korea or Cuba so you can live out your sick dream. Leave the rest of us alone and stop your flag abuse.
I'm sorry I lost my cool, but you make it very difficult. I do not flag abuse. I never used this option before, and hope I don't have to again. I unflagged your comment, but the post stays flagged until the author answers me.
"My sick dream" is a better world, where everybody lives a good life.
Years of study don't necessarily translate to intelligence.
I will ask you again, and please stop dodging the answer!!!
You say redistribution of wealth is THEFT, without even entertaining the thought! We are all here, in an attempt to redistribute the wealth of Facebook, which is basically just worth as much as the number of people Mark can sell advers to. As his users leave 1 by 1, his wealth will decrease.
Are we stealing?
Do you think we have a sustainable economical system? If so, why all the crashes? Do you think we should leave it as it is? Can we not envision a better world, where compassion and love is embedded in our economy?
STEALING private property that is not yours is THEFT, not hyperbole...
If you define redistribution as theft, then sure. But doing that is a circular argument, so doesn't hold any water on it's own. SHOUTING about it isn't going to change that.
Redistribution is THEFT, it is a word used by communists who don't WORK.
What an impressive argument. You should SHOUT a bit more too.
said the guy with no argument. What are you saul alinsky?
In communism, you work or go to jail! Are you a thief? GTFO of steemit
I have been working and studying for 25 years, I got no help from anybody, everything was hard, nothing was easy. You do not know who you are talking to.
He is biased in favour of the status quo. Strongly
Actually that is totally incorrect. I am against the status quo of deficit spending, printing money out of thin air, overtaxation and war. Just to name a few. I don't think you are capable of understanding what I am in favor of...
One thing is clear, you're not in favor of wealth redistribution.
Money are a tool. As long as you say the wealth distribution we have today is justified and healthy, you are in favor of war, famine and children dying.
Of-course you could never agree to that. The thing about psychopaths is, they may lack empathy and compassion, but they are aware of what normal people expect to hear.
You should probably just stop writing. As long as you make it clear that you agree with this post and that graph, you cannot come out of this looking good.I see through you!
Actually, if our government didn't tax and print and deficit spend there would be much less war, famine and child deaths. Everything wrong in society is caused by government. The worst enemy of free man is government. Government only kills, steals and destroys, nothing else. You are posting all over the place but you have failed to provide any solutions, just name-calling and hysteria... My contention is manipulating the graph with THEFT is no answer, it will make things worse. What is your contention? Nobody knows!
Through all your posts you are defending the graph as normal and the way it should be. You don't propose a single solution, now that you're under the spotlight you start blaming governments. Governments are in debt, which means, they are owned by the very rich you're trying to defend.
Maybe it's not much, but it's something.
You are either a very articulate fool or a puppet.
The thing that really stands out here is that you are calling redistribution of wealth THEFT. You are doing this on a platform designed to re-distribute wealth from Facebook(status quo type business) to the people. What is this if not hypocrisy? You are redistributing wealth just by being here. Are you a thief? Is steemit just a gang of crooks? You cannot favor the disease and be against it's symptoms. Want to know what I'm actually trying to do about it? https://vialcoin.com/white-paper/
Are you a thief? If you truly believe that, GTFO of steemit
I have been working and studying for 25 years, I got no help from anybody, everything was hard, nothing was easy. You do not know who you are talking to. I'm not going anywhere. I recommend you move to North Korea or Cuba so you can live out your sick dream. Leave the rest of us alone and stop your flag abuse.
I'm sorry I lost my cool, but you make it very difficult. I do not flag abuse. I never used this option before, and hope I don't have to again. I unflagged your comment, but the post stays flagged until the author answers me.
"My sick dream" is a better world, where everybody lives a good life.
Years of study don't necessarily translate to intelligence.
I will ask you again, and please stop dodging the answer!!!
You say redistribution of wealth is THEFT, without even entertaining the thought! We are all here, in an attempt to redistribute the wealth of Facebook, which is basically just worth as much as the number of people Mark can sell advers to. As his users leave 1 by 1, his wealth will decrease.
Are we stealing?
Do you think we have a sustainable economical system? If so, why all the crashes? Do you think we should leave it as it is? Can we not envision a better world, where compassion and love is embedded in our economy?