The Speed of Sight is much faster than the Speed of Light...

in #money8 years ago

IMG_0147.JPGThat's my theory and I'm sticking to it... I realize it takes so long for the light from a distant star to reach us, but my sight reaches that "DISTANCE" in an instant... The distance is there, no matter how long the light took to reach us... I know I'll have a lot of people saying I'm wrong, but let it sink in for a while before you judge my theory... @pocketechange


I hope you don't mind me reaching out to you from 5 months ago, but it only took me a second to do so :)

I rarely hear an idea that catches at my imagination like this one did. For all I know, it may actually help explain something I wrote about in a FS&F story of mine that I have not understood.

I don't want to bore you with too much of a explanation, but the hero, Robert, is able to see a star that is, say a thousand lightyears away, as it is at the instant of his seeing it, not as it was a thousand years ago - when he travels in a different dimension.

A pity I don'y have a real name, so I'll have to name the theory the 'ali-as pocketechangourious' theory.


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I love the fact that I'm still getting replies after 5 months... My best example about the Speed of Sight is what I told @digestingreality... My Sight can travel the Distance from one Star to another in an instant... How long would it take the Light from one Star to travel to the other Star...??? If you're writing a Book, it "is" a good idea that Robert travels in a different dimension... That opens the Door for seeing it in real time... The Present bears witness of the Past, and the Future shall make all things clear... I hope a Movie is made from your Book... @pocketechange

I don't know how fast the speed of sight is but I just know I will be out camping this weekend under the stairs. Lol.

Look up at the stars... Think about how long it takes the light from one star to make it to the other star... Ok now... How long does it take your sight to go from one star to the other...???

Yes you make a valid point. But if we assume light travels at 1.8 million miles per second than it would take a long time to reach another star indeed.
But the light is already there so if we can not see the light crossing the galaxy so one would have to assume that it's light never leaves its star!
Same with our own sun. Does the light actually leave the sun or is it just simply a reflection of the sun onto us. There is only a few hand fulls of people to ever leave this earth that could tell us the truth about what's out there but they will never tell us the true facts.
Until I can see, touch, taste, smell and hear something I don't believe it. So is the earth sphere? Is eye sight faster than light speed? If we don't believe anything that comes out of the governments mouth than we simply can believe the earth is sphere because after all it was kings and governments telling us it is sphere.

Go Steemit my friend! @digestingreality

Sight exists only in your head... Doesn't have to go anywhere... It might be instantaneous but doesn't travel or reach anywhere.............

Yes I guess you right on that point. I have added you to my group. Thanks

I get what you're saying, "instantly", but it would conflict with constant and toss 90% of agreed upon BS physics, E couldn't be equal to mc if c is wrong. And ol' al einstein would be de- throned...

wow... You mean that if I'm correct about the Speed of Sight, I'll go down in history...??? @pocketechange

Man in head stays in head...

...... See

Your nuts pocketchange

I'm That was funny... I knew people wouldn't think my theory about the speed of sight being faster than the speed of light was possible... I've heard so many argue about my theory before... I already mentioned it was a distance thing... I don't care how long it takes the light to reach my eyes... My sight still travels that same distance in an instant... How long does it take your sight to reach a distant star...??? @pocketechange

Your sight is just your brains interpretation of the light it received from the star, it goes as fast as your mind can process it

Well, my sight must be very fast... If i close my eyes, raise my head towards the night stars, open them for a split second and close them again... In that split second my sight has reached many light years into the Past.. Now you tell me which is faster, the speed of light or the speed of sight...??? @pocketechange