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And with all that said, coupled with nearly 20 years of investing/trading. I'm waiting for the first big move down and the bounce to get short. Every time I don't wait for it I'm early and end up having 75% of my gains eaten up by losses from being way early.

As for real estate - I have been eyeing next summer to unload a couple properties with good equity in them. We are yet to see sideways action in FL yet, though growth is finally taking a big hit.

Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:Congratulations @marketreport!

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Got 2 trezors yesterday for offline storage of bitcoin

Be wary when sending BTC from your Trezor. If set to auto-adjust transaction fees, they may adjust higher than you would want to pay, if the blockchain is backlogged at the time. This ensures that the transfer goes out on the next block, but must outbid other transactions to do so. I have been unable to confirm this, but have recently seen others mention it.

Seriously i don't trust anything anymore, this is scary !

Me either!!! We can trust Mr Mannarino tho... Thx Greg

PPT has your back.

Greg understands the manipulation so his perspective is more accrate. Thanks for your comment and Greg.

You may freely trust in Pocket Change... Read my Blog titled "What's my Story...???"

In my opinion there is nothing to be afraid of. We have to go through this because we can't control the market or the banks or even the Fed manipulation at this time. So go with it let it happen and then we rebuild. I want it over already NOW!

Morning folks
I live in Canada and have to laugh when there is a housing/land bubble and talk of the prices being artificially inflated .
90% of the land is crown land in Canada ... And that's a lot of beautiful treed acres.. Of the 10% remaining 90% of that is agricultural and corporate owned ,,, you want rigged that leaves about 1% of the land mass of half of North America to scrap over for pieces of land so small there is no real value in owning it except for flipping or renting out. You could not use it for any small scale business or work. Let alone a chicken lol to many rules and bylaws .
But the point being there is no reason for land to be so expenive here that most people can't afford it and those who do are taking on a life long debt .. Doubling the land availability here would not even be noticed there Queen.
But it would destroy the market.
The point being really about 99% of the land mass of Canada is off limits lol ,,,Now thats rigged

Wow that is a terrific point. You have me wondering what the proportion is here in the states.

You want an even better laugh,,
I can buy land cheaper in almost any state in the US than in Canada ... And will not freeze to death in the winter lol

Look at the map on Wikipedia. The western states have been gobbled up by the Federal Govt.

Looks like you guys got to settle and place land claims about half way across the country before they put a stop to private ownership...

US was giving away the land until they stopped. Hard stop.

Is it just me or is the nesting instincts of our lovely ladies being used against us lol
I have another way of looking at home and land ownership ...
After many generation of hard work The richest few Canadians now hold clear title and ownership to somthing like. .000?% of the land mass of Canada.
The banks hold title to most of the 1% of the land we do get to play with lmao
In reality this should cause people to think that they might be wasting there time if not there entire life on a loosing battle.. If after many many generations of work we only have debt and own virtually none of the land ,

Greg. I have followed you for countless of years. I listen to your youtube videos and highly appreciate your valuable views and comments. I have seen the world change in the last years accelerating to a climax of chaos. Anyone that follows you and many others know this. The collapse of empires don't happen overnight and the elites know that the time is near. They are trying to accumulate as much tangible wealth as possible before this collapse. The siren call was in 2008 when the subprime market happened. Ever since then the game was turned to hardcore as the fiat scheme intensified. Listen people, the elites don't want all of us to survive the coming collapse. They can not stop us all from attaining real wealth in this process. Land (farm land), Gold and Silver is real money and they have hoards of it. Look at JP Morgans holdings the past year. Venezuela is a prime example of hyper inflation. Now imagine here in North America where 90% of people have guns. Continue to prepare for your families sake. Learn new skills and old ones to survive. The government have continuity plans, do you? I will be making articles myself to help teach others, I never trusted youtube, facebook or other social media, but now with Steem-it I have a chance to show the world how to Survive-it. JP Chant over and out.

Likin' this!

Greg, your help at picking winning trades is very appreciated!

Morning, Greg! Sold my jr. miners yesterday at a tidy profit, re-invested the funds into silver Eagles. Oohrah!

Are mining funds a hold? How would a mining stock fund do when the crap hits?

Junior miners are a HOLD

Never put all your eggs in one basket, Never count your chicks before they hatch and always believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see. It's coming and I believe in the words of Mr. Mannarino but these psycho TARDS in charge still have cards to play in my opinion unless this is the next card being played.....

Agreed! Who knows what these sociopathic people in control of every single part of our lives will do next?

Greg, awesome work as always. You are an inspiration to all! Hopefully more people can wake up to what is going on. My fear is that there are just too few of us who actually understand this system and how it is extracting the wealth from society.

Most people have Stockholm syndrome. They have been taken hostage by the elites and the banking system for all their lives and now they actually sympathize with them. I hear the comment all too often 'banks will be banks' we need to change this mindset in people.

Its been going on for that long that I'll probably not believe when it happens!!

Very astute!

When it comes to explaining the truth about our worthless currency's actual value as "wealth", try this: Ask them to look up the term "note" in Black's Law Dictionary (aka the language of government). There, they will see the legal definition as "a written instrument of debt" (paraphrased). Then ask them how debt is "wealth". Some people get "vapor-locked" in confusion, while for others, the lightbulb goes on. Try it for yourself :)

Came home from work and looked at the markets (I'm in Europe and come home at around 17.00 GMT... Everything was FLIPPED, gold up, silver up, bitcoin 7%.... Lots of altcoins up crazy... Also, for the first time in YEARS they have commented on the negative VIX curve. Never seen that happen here before and OMXS30 (Swedish index) is down 1.5% also hasen't happened in a while. I think the top was 2015 in Sweden, and still is... Now the same thing is happening with the US markets... turning around from a dubbeltop on the daily... Can be bad for market.

My bet: if they really do fear a meltdown, the Plunge Protection Team will jump in, revive the market, and it will be business as usual. With time for precious metals to be hammered back down on Friday.

It's just one day Greg. No need to cause panic. I agree fair value for this market is way lower, but powerful players like PPT and ESF will keep everything propped up. Just like they have since 2009 as a matter of "national security"..

You do raise a good point. I don't think any major repricing is going to happen overnight, but the cracks are certainly growing in number.

All of our markets have basically been nationalized. The actual economy can be in a depression yet market will stay propped up above fair value. It's wacky.

Works on the small minds for sure. But the numbers are not about who's in office. It's a house of cards built high. Read some of the headlines from 1929 and went from everything is great and the sky's the limit to everything will be fine tomorrow or the next day. No worries. Lies, Lies and damned lies. Each day shakier than the last. War is the answer and Clinton and the Dems knew it. Sigh. "Tree of Liberty ...Blood of Patriots and all that jazz..."

War is not the answer. It has been the problem here in the U.S. for decades. Money spent on war is a total waste ....what do we have to show for it... a bridge, an airport, improved roads, etc. We have nothing to show for it. War will only make our financial problems worse. It will only enrich the warmongers and the elite and will impoverish main-street.

PPT to the rescue??? Ctrl + P??? Anyone??

The market is so manipulated that it is only a question when the elite will pull the plug - they will just end the manipulation, reversed it and crash the market. At that moment the SHTF is about to happen. Glad to see that you are doing great on Steemit Gregory.

Hey Greg.....I am following you ....

Thanks Greg for helping us prepare for all of this WAY before it happened! You tell us what might happen, the media tells us what happened. You are amazing. PERIOD THE FREAKING END.

If the dark pool PPT can manage to take an entire week off, then I think this may be the beginning of a correction to REAL value. They do need a vacation, they've been working OT for a couple of years now.

No crash just alittle correction to keep the ignorant involved that's all.

I use the Stash App a little bit, it had a pop up message this morning that said political turmoil was affecting the markets and why not add more to my stash. ... no thanks!

I'm with you Gregory, My Call on Apple made me $20k on Monday.
Putting the shit out of it now, Up $3k already.Hello @marketreport

Greg, a sincere thank you for the valuable information you provide....downloaded your free e-book and working my way through it now.

As you always say "BE YOUR OWN CENTRAL BANK".

Watching video now.

so far I'm happy with my slv calls, thanks greg, cheers

The clocks been ticking a long time now, guess this collapse will happen one day, but when you have been listening to all these reason why it's about to happen (and good reason) but never does for years now. I am prepared, with the food, water guns, ammo, fuel, silver, bitcoins, etc. but I just don't think the collapse is near.

I look forward to listening to this tonight...provided the baby lets me!!!

Thanks Greg. I don't think anyone doubts your sincerity. One thing and it may just be me and or my phone. If not could you ad some volume to your videos? I'm turning up all I can and holding by my ear. Sorry If just me.
Thanks again!

That goes for you too Gregory... Read my blog titled "What's my Story...???" Pocket Change

Powerful video Greg. The voices are getting louder and louder. VIX 13.27 rising fast.

Thanks Greg! You are helping! Everything you do is appreciated by many.

DOW down 250, NASDAQ down 110... interesting start to the day :P

Thanks agian Gregory

Anyone who has listened to Greg for a decent amount of time knows that he has a solid grasp of the factors driving the market. His track record for predicting which ways things are headed is amazing. If I were you I'd pay attention!

nailed it again Greg

Thanks Greg for all your great info & insight. At least we have places to get info here, since MSM can't be trusted. Money heaven! LOL Actually it's not funny it IS a wealth transfer & most don't see it.

Upvoted Greg - thank you !

Thank you Gregory, if humanity ever reaches peaceful civilization it will be thanks to people like you. I can't imagine how many eyes have been opened thanks to your work.

Wow. Thank you for saying this. I am trying.

Argh don't go yet... I don't have enough bitcoin yet!!!

Master Gregory,
A correction to fair value? My question is compared to what! The dollar is a moving target being inflated constantly. It may gain or lose strength when valued against other semi-worthless currencies (Euro, Yen,etc), but those values are again manipulated. It seems that bankers and governments play with the numbers hourly. It is like walking across a rope bridge.
Until we have a stable unit of measure to establish a comparative standard, I cannot find "fair".

All centrally computer controlled markets (and centrally computer controlled elections) are fake today. They may have been fake since the introduction of electronic trading on a mass scale. Even before the computer age began the markets were manipulated by tycoons and barrons. Today there are more players. Competing but also Cooperating to achieve an outcome favourable to themselves as the self perceived ruling class.

I've just realised Greg owns the financial economic media,
Truth and more Truth.
Great Video Blog

Lotta passion in this video, nice to see. Thanks for all that you do, and the way that you do it.

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