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RE: Whole Foods Slashes Prices Up To 43%...Those Greedy Bastards!

in #money7 years ago

Whoa up there. This is not necessarily a free market operating here to the consumer's benefit. If stuff is sold too low, lets say below the cost of production, that is called dumping and is deemed as un competitive. I am not saying that is what is going on here. We need to be far more savvy as consumers. Price is not everything. What value are you getting? Is your good deal for today coming at a poorer deal for tomorrow. Free markets are good, yes and so is competition. But we need to really understand what is a free market and what is proper competition. A deep pocketed producer that pricers everyone out of the market is an elimination of competition, not a bearer of it. Though is that what is going on here? I am not so sure, but we need to be aware of it.