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RE: Of Hope and Despair; The Rule of Darkness and the Inevitable Dawn..

in #mindset6 years ago

They do the most outrageous things and nothing happens to them. In other wountries presidents, ministers, governors, majors have even been killed for nothing. Here they seem to be exonerated of everything.Hi, @blessed-girl. I agree, we have to be hopeful. I think we all have been (even the ones who have left because most of them are just waiting for a change to return). Very few people are happy out of their countries. Many people are having a really tough time. The only thibg that keeps the going is idea of coming back home. So, yes, we all have hope, but it is a hope that fades at the daily confirmation that these evil people seem to have the better allies, the upper hand, the super powers that make them invincible.