Everything you have done to this point is Wrong

in #mindset7 years ago

What... Really? You're shocked by this?

That's just the proof in the pudding right there!

Yeah, I meant everything!

Okay, okay... So let's really dig in to what I mean and why I think this. I offer two main points 1) it really isn't your fault, you just didn't know any better and 2) your skull is to thick

The first point, it not being your fault... Well, how can it be? You don't know what you don't know, right? You have just been working off of out dated, misdirected information. We were told from the time that we could even open our eyes that the World was a specific way and that to get anywhere you had to play and conform to the standard that your parents (who were also fed misinformation) passed on to you.
Example, going to school... what is the point really? they are teaching the same information with slight updates that they have been teaching for decades if not centuries. Sure there is value in education, I'm not saying that but what I am saying is that the current system does nothing more the force conformity. I noticed it recently with my son's kindergarten graduation, they ask the kids what they wanted to be when they grew up. Funny think out of like 20 some kids there were 3 maybe 4 professions with only 2 outliers. How do twenty kids all want to be teachers, veterinarians, or a police officer? Right, by a sort of brainwashing

So, you grew up thinking that there were these rules and roles that you had to live by. Trapping you and your creative mind from becoming who you really could and should become. But we will get to this in a minute...

Let's look at the second reason why you are wrong.

Second reason, you are just to stubborn to listen to what others are saying!

I get it!! I am too... well, some of the time. I listen, I listen, and then I listen some more and then... I run it through my filter. You know the one that was set up by all the misinformation and lies you were told as you were growing up. So now the new information you are trying to take in has zero chance of making an impact.


Because your filter just won't believe it, it is running on a program from the 1800's and this is 2017 data. The speed at which it is coming to you is WAY WAY faster than you can relate to. It doesn't fit into ANY box anyone has ever given you and so try as hard as you will... The information is only going to seep through your thick skull at around 10% at best.

WTF!!!! Is what you probably thinking right now. Well, that is if your old processor has even let you get this far without shutting off your brain and throwing all kinds of old reasons at you why this is stupid.

So, I did promise that we would talk about how to correct this thought I didn't tell you that you are going to have to watch for my next post to find out how.

Thank you for reading this far. I look forward to sharing with you more in the future and adding value to your life and my highest hopes is that together we can break some of the matrix and be set free to be who we are meant to be and play the game in life we were really put here for.

Love, Light, Peace
Derek Atchley
Master Mindset Setter


I love it* thick skulls and brain washing all brought to you by a master mind setter.... I used to want to be a fireman, can you believe that shit?? Breaking out of our programing is painful and liberating and the most amazing experience ever. I am happy to be able to share that with people like you. this is an awesome article and I can't wait for the next one!

THANK YOU!!!! And it's so funny what society imprints on us!