
Oh good lord funbobby51, i completely forgot about that scene !! yes indeed !! Yeah Woody Allen the guy that dumped his " so called" protege ,Mia Farrow for the adopeted !daughter" that became his lover !Talk about wisted

as for that photo of Trump yes it did trouble me when i first saw it, as seriously Satsanic for me ! But does it mean that Trump is Satanic or is it merely him counter acting in an image their little trip about controlling the world with his hand and presecence ?? its weird for sure !

It is weird that there are more glowing orbs and world leaders hands on them.

oh yeah @funbobby its totally off the charts that all these photos are appearing with prominent world leaders posing like evil soverers controlling the world by dark energies and magic ! It has to be said and one must wonder really what the fck is going on with that ??

Maybe there was a sale on glowing orbs at Dictators R Us or Macys? I don't get out to the mall much since I started buying most of my clothes at WalMart.

Oh Dude arer you hoping fopr me to give you a big vote on this comment for teeling me this lol !!
Yeah well glowing Orbs do seems to be totally in fashion for the world dictators! If you dont have an Orb you aint shit clealrly !!

For a real good time do an image search for various world leaders sitting in gold chairs.