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RE: Market Friday Goes to the Air Show - Part One

in #marketfriday5 years ago

Well that's probably because you live in California right? I want to say that you live out that way but I could be wrong. Another reason is because the Navy does a lot more out there than the Air Force does as far as air shows are concerned. The Thunderbirds are just the Air Force's version of the Blue Angels. Same thing different costume.

Every adult has said the same thing. They haven't been to an airshow and I'm very long time. Are they out of style or they just don't have them around much anymore? I guess I'm weird that way because I could watch them again and again and again and then go see them again and again and again. Their precision and death-defying flying raises the hairs on the back of my neck and yet I Can't Take My Eyes Off them. It was a wonderful show and their skills still are awesome. I love the static displays of planes from Years Gone by and probably the most exciting part is they allow you to tour all of the planes now whereas years ago we weren't allowed to. Thank you for taking the time to stop in and leave nice words behind. I hope you have a most fabulous weekend!

#MarketFriday loves you!



Yes i am in California. I think they may have cut down on shows out here at some point many years ago. They are having them again and i didn't get down to see it. When i was younger they would fly right over the house! That sounds really fun getting to get up close and go in the planes on the ground!

I know, right!?? It was much different years ago, even ten years ago. Some of the planes you could peek in but now the front line fighters. They are all promilitary (once again) and it is good to take advantage of that. :)

You just never know how the wind will blow!

I loved planes (commercial) over my house growing up. I lived in Connecticut, so we got some traffic from JFK and LaGuardia Airport.

Oh, have times changed! :)

I think in the 70's things changed around here and all the services pulled back on public displays. I grew up loving the space program and jets! Things like the X-15 remember that one? Now i'm going way back :) We used have seaplanes that landed in the water and you could fly to Catalina island off the coast of Southern California. I never did get to fly on though : (

Oh, wow! Things have really changed out there, haven't they? I'm from the Connecticut coastline and right out my back yard was Long Island Sound, the Atlantic actually We had the seaplanes landing there to go to all the places like Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard. Oh, it was a fun childhood!

They don't know what they are missing today! ;)

Hold tight to those memories!

It must be too expensive or something now. I wish i could have gone on one! :)