in #mandela7 years ago

For those wishing Winnie Mandela well, you are ill informed.

Winnie Mandela was a monster - brutally violent in her attacks on black people who worked for the white Apartheid government.

She personally participated in the torture and summary execution of dozens of Black traitors using what has been described as the most brutal, painful, horrific way to kill a person ever devised - a torture called "necklacing".

Necklacing is when a car tire is placed around a bound victims neck then filled with gasoline and set on fire. It can take 10 minutes for the person to stop screaming.

Winnie Mandela says her favorite sound in the world is the sound of a man's cranium expoding from the pressure of his brain boiling in his skull. That is her favorite sound!

The ANC did NOTHING for South Africa! The ANC says raping children cures AIDS and so much more evil!|

Today the ANC is killing the white farmers which produce 80% of the country's food, and tomorrow our fellow brothers in humanity, led wildly genocidally astray by government propaganda, will be starving to death - just like Zimbabwe after Mugabe genocided his white farmers.

There are no Heros. Everyone you see on TV is there for a reason - Winnie too. Her necklaces are the violent foundation for the pedophillic occult which took over and is now destroying South Africa - soon to be raped again.

Wake up and try harder. Your ignorance costs millions of lives.


Ive never heard that quote of her about heads exploding but the ANC and Nelson Mandelas terrorist group are definitely guilty of many atrocities, they set bombs off blowing up women and kids, they used the black children from the mixed schools after they forced segregation to end in order to find the children of police officers and politicians, kidnapped and tortured them. The most disgusting part was seeing all those world leaders show up at his funeral, condoning what he did. I have heard Winnie Mandela speak in favor of necklacing though.