These are useful tips which help a guy have a successful first date. Take your time to go through this as you will gather a whole storehouse of knowledge from this post.
1. Look neat
Keep yourself well groomed and in shape. If you want to get a woman 👩 to like you, basic cleanliness and appearance are extremely important. Girls notice things like bad breath, flab, body odour and greasy hair before they notice that winning personality..
2. Become her friend
Girls don't just fall for random strangers. Therefore use the first date to make her get used to you,gain her confidence and become her friend.
3. Try some small talk
Girls love being asked about themselves and will willingly start a conversation wheen stimulated; atleast most of them.
4. Always be yourself
Don't be someone you're not. Girls always appreciate it when you're honest with them about who you are. If you have an ugly past, it's better to let them know early enough. Don't let her find it out elsewhere.
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5. Treat her with respect
Don't talk trash about other people while you're with her. If you do, it will give her the impression that you are a jerk...
6. Take a look 👀 at her occasionally
If she is looking at you don't forget to smile ☺ if she smiles back. That's a good sign...
7. Be nice to her
Girls 👧 don’t care about a man’s looks as much as you might think. Most women think it’s more important that a man treats her nicely...
8. Don’t rush
Don't rush into a new relationship after a break-up . Make sure you’re over the old relationship first...
9. Be confident!
Nobody wants a guy 👨 who acts unsure 👎 of himself. But don't become so full 🌕 of yourself that you come across as cocky or stuck up..
10. Surprise
To maintain a good relationship, surprise 😲 each other. Send a romantic text message 📥 , or a little unexpected present 📦 .