This is ridiculous. Do you know what "white privilege " is?
This is Orwellian at its core. Leftists have been doing this for years , changing the definition of something in order to make it fit into their Marxist views. White privilege is actually nothing more than the majority population. The privilege comes from being part of that group.
All societies are built to accommodate the majority of it's people. It's common sense to do it that way.
Any time you have a society that has a majority / minority of citizens there's going to be someone unhappy. For obvious reasons it's most often the minority who gets the short end of the stick. Their wants and needs take a back seat to the needs of the majority.
What's happening in our society is someone has decided that white people are a problem - probably because they desire more control over the masses. Whatever the reason the American people have become the enemy. So we're being replaced, with a group of people more "pliable." So the powers that be have relabeled the majority population as being an obstacle to the minorities gaining majority status. Pretty obvious really. So they've pitted whites against all others by claiming that they have privileges others don't enjoy. Of course they do, they have the privilege of being in the majority population of a nation that their ancestors founded. And what the minority people want is to trade places with white people. They want white people to give up their political power and their population majority. Everything will be fine as long as white people just move over and hand THEIR nation over to the people who want it, right?
Whether or not you agree with the way America was founded really doesn't matter. Facts are facts and white men conquered America and settled it - period. There's no arguing that point. And what minorities want is to take over. This whole concept is being Inflamed and exploited by whoever it is that's decided that they're going to rule the world.
So you see, White privilege is nothing but the majority population and the privileges that come with being part of that group.
Im not white and even I agree with you.
You should watch the video. They're agreeing with you.