
He's Chinese-American.

Ah! Thanks for the clarification!

You're welcome. :-)

i think lee was the reason of yesterday, he sold all of his coins :D

Honestly I think he was just being smart anyone who has been in crypto for even a couple months knows that the gains on everything we were seeing was unnatural and had to correct eventually. He called where he wanted to get out and he did it was smart on his part. People are saying he knew something on the inside but I saw this correction coming and I am sure a bunch of others did too.

Quite possible. There was an unhealthy amount of greed and euphoria leading up to past week and we built almost 150 billion of market capitalization in a matter of days. That's quite insane. He may have been what you'd call "smart money" in cashing out, while the public continued its unsustainable bull rally.

No matter the context, a racist remark is still racist. Don't assume someone's race/ nationality. You just come off looking like a douche. Note, before you get your wrench in a twist, I did not call you a douche.

Please. Who exactly was hurt here with that comment? Context is everything, you should never forget that. I want you to take a step back and think about what makes something inherently racist. It's to have a genuine feeling of superiority over another race, to discriminate against them, to be intolerant of them. Have I done any of those things?

And while the friend shield is not the best reasoning, I think it's relevant in this situation. A decent majority of my friends are Chinese or Korean American. Why would I want to discriminate against them? They're great! Far and wide, people have been confusing assumptions with blatant racism, so I think it's important to understand the distinction.

Now sure, assumptions when used with malicious intent can devolve into racism. For instance, "oh look that asian can't drive"... therefore I will not accept this person as my Uber driver. In this instance, you directly discriminated against them and your assumption impacted them negatively by losing driving revenue.