
I installed the stuff to make the video to setup web server with ubuntu today, ill try to make the video tomorow :)

Thank you!

I will sure to watch.

Once you install on your laptop and try out, get a little vi tutorial from the net and study it - you will be amazed, vi can do for last 40 years what word still can't do today - for example putting a word or ; at the end of each line... psst psst - warning - u will fall in love with linux! :) - I am a linux/unix user for last 20 years...

I'm not big fan of vi, but i know people who know it well can do lot of things with it :)

I prefer to edit the code on windows, with good ide, and tools, debugers, code analyzers etc, and only compile on linux.

Generally i use a shared drive on linux, and edit the files via windows or mac.

Or i use nano for small edits on configuration files.