"Simpler suggestion if you find a deserted island."
No, because that's assuming that the proposed idea is anti-social.
Pay, get; don't pay, don't get, is a very obvious and social concept.
"Until then one is getting services and has to pay for them."
I can unsubscribe from Netflix. I can't unsubscribe from government.
Little problem there with the "services" received.
Let's call rape sex, shall we?
(How else would we be able to procreate?)
I lost my interest in replying at 'rape'.
That's fine; it's quite mutual.
Those who do not see what The State does as rape I have no interest in talking with; others can try to help you lift the veil of the delusion.
Yeah, just like I lost interest in being forced to pay for services that I didn't ask for, don't want, and don't receive. Yet you have no problem trying to justify why I should be robbed to pay for them.