Arkratos is an end-to-end innovative BLOCKCHAIN solutions and development company. This company has developed a BLOCKCHAIN technology that enhances international physical commodity trading across the whole product life cycle of a commodity trade. International physical commodity trading across the whole product life cycle of a commodity trade.
It is a well known fact that Trade involves the transfer of goods and services from one person or entity to another, often in exchange for money. In this light Arkratos has developed a platform called KRATOS that significantly transforms and enhances international physical commodity trading across its whole product life cycle. Commodity trading challenges include insufficient trust, manual documentation, and unnecessary intermediaries. These problems often result in significant time-delays and high costs. KRATOS is an Ethereum-based platform that employs Blockchain technologies and smart contracts to address these challenges.
Kratos is a decentralized commodity trading platform. It is a week known fact that decentralization is the process by which the activities of an organization, particularly those regarding planning and decision-making, are distributed or delegated away from a central, authoritative location or group.
Benefits of KRATOS
• This platform will reduce excess high cost incurred during trading
• The kratos platform will ensure efficient delivery of products as at when due.
• With the usage of kratos platform, there’ll be greater transparency amongst traders.
• The kratos platform would ensure greater transparency and lesser complexities than any other existing platform
Technology if gradually taking shape in the entire market, trading is a way of life and Kratos as a platform would make things easier for the all who endeavors to use its decentralized platform. The technology been integrated into the kratos platform is top notch and it had been tested and certified.
This magnificent project was initiated by combined and seasonal intellectuals from all crannies of life. The advisors also are worthy to recognise.
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Author’s Bountyhunter name: Lawrence Ogidinta
Authors BountyHunter ID: 16655
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