Moon's adviser calls for US-North Korea diplomatic ties

in #kr7 years ago

Asking North Korea to denuclearise first and get rewarded later is sheer waste of time. North Korea must be offered something in terms of security and economy while they give up thier nuclear weapons. In realpolitik empty words has no value.

And we must accept and recognize the fact that their is nothing like irreversible destruction of nuclear program. Once they have know how and expertise they can always restart the nuclear program. So trust building is very important. Without trust it is impossible to stop North Korea making bomb again and again and again.

북한을 먼저 비핵화하고 나중에 보상을받는 것은 시간 낭비입니다. 북한은 핵무기를 포기하면서 안보와 경제 측면에서 무엇인가를 제공 받아야한다. 현실 정치에서 빈 단어는 가치가 없습니다.

그리고 우리는 핵 프로그램의 돌이킬 수없는 파괴와 같은 것이 아니라는 사실을 받아들이고 인식해야합니다. 일단 그들이 어떻게 그리고 전문성을 알게되면 언제나 핵 프로그램을 재개 할 수 있습니다. 그래서 신뢰 구축은 매우 중요합니다. 신뢰가 없다면 북한이 핵무기를 계속해서 또 다시 만드는 것을 막을 수 없다.

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Yes, all over the world north korea and its nuclear power is discussing, he is doing his best against USA...

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This post has received gratitude of 3.26% from @appreciator courtesy of @elizabeth302!

Thank you for sharing.
I think talk is always needed between countries on nuclear weapon problems.
No talk, no peace.

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Sadly, I think that the politics regarding that region have little interest in North Korean disarmament. If anything, both superpowers involved have interest in this conflict.

On one hand, China has the ability to use North Korea as a proxy for their own advancing militarization and has even went to lengths to deter America from a "first strike" scenario allowing further testing and research for North Korea. The US benefits by being able to militarize the region and should they be able to put troops on the ground in NK, they would have China borders completely surrounded with their own hardware.

I just posted about Russia and their announcement of new military tech and I'll be doing a part 2 about China shortly. You should take a peek and tell me what you think.

upvoted and following :)

in political relations. it's hard to get people to believe in us. Moreover, the superpower states still have dominance in terms of combat weapons.

however, I agree with your solution. may the world be peaceful with diplomacy. not war.

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