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RE: Succulent Kalanchoe.

in #kalanchoe7 years ago

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Extremely awesome information shared and nice image provided @ctrl-alt-nwo. This is a multi coloriong flowers entire plants. Kalanchoe is popular with gardeners for a variety of reasons. House plant growers enjoy having it in their collections for the long-lasting bloom heads that appear in the cold of winter. Those in warmer climates appreciate its drought-tolerance, making it great in rock gardens and xeriscaping. Due to its extreme cold sensitivity, kalanchoe is best-suited as a houseplant in most climates, and has become a very popular one. Growing kalanchoe indoors is fairly simple, since the temperature range it requires (60 – 85 degrees F) is basically the same as most people. It needs well-draining soil; over-watering or letting it sit in wet soil can cause root rot. The plants are usually sold in the winter or early spring, while in their natural bloom cycle. The flowers are long-lasting, but once they fade, you can trim the heads to better enjoy the succulent foliage. Lots of bright sunlight will keep this plant healthy throughout the summer months, whether it’s growing indoors or out.

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