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RE: In The Name Of Freedom

in #joy7 years ago

I recently made a decision to take 6 months off from work. With my free time, I have researched and examined many of the topics that you have discussed here. I went through many emotions Shock, awe, anger,fear just to name a few. I decided that I had to do something, I needed to get the word out and share this information in order to " Wake" people up. Especially the people who were close to me. Well, they didnt want to hear it. They told me I had too much time on my hands and I needed to concern myself with reality. I was determined to do something about what I have learned. After much contemplation I decided that the best thing I could do was to lead by example. I buy Flouride free toothpast, I grow as much as my own food as possible, I buy food from local sources and shop with local merchants . I buy goods and products sold in america when I have a choice. I stopped viewing mass media and get my news from other sources. I remain curious and educated and avoid being distracted from real issues. I give money to the homeless and anyone else on the street asking for money. I practice gratitude and compassion. I support crypto and free thinking etc, etc etc. This is the best I can do. When people ask me what I am doing and why, I share my thoughts with them.. The most important thing that I have realized is that we are not victims unless we choose to be. We have the ultimite power as consumers. We can change the world by making a concious choice about what we want to do with our buying power. The " Illuminati" know this and they fear us "consumers actullay getting together to form consensus. History has shown that one man can change the world by his actions. Jesus Christ, Mohamed, Martin Luther King, Gandi, Nelson Mandella etc etc etc . The best we can do in times like this is to live authenticly, congruent with our beliefs and walk the walk as well as talking the talk


More power to you brethren. It is my desire that more people may act the way you are. For when the time comes, it will be utter chaos and there will be much suffering. The mass majority are not living completely unaware of any foul play. It is going to hurt. But through it, the ones who have prepared will be charged with taking the lead to reclaim our lost soverign rights.

I am on a similar path brother. I just wish i could earn enough to live from Blogging here and other places. I need to make a better effort for better results. Good luck and God Bless.