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RE: In The Name Of Freedom

in #joy7 years ago

Thanks for making this amazing post, those who are not aware of the situation will definitely start thinking about it after reading it. From all the research i have done in last few years, the only solution that i could see is something like ''The Venus Project'' . We need a different way of thinking, different value system, different approach to to almost every aspect of our life,but as long as greed is perpetuating our society, we won't wake up.. Until it's too late.


Individual liberty works. We should guard against replacing one tyrannical system with another.

Individual liberty to do what? Whatever i want? instead of guarding what we have, we should get rid of possibility for tyrannical systems to exist. That involves changing so called ''Human behaviour'' . Not an easy task, but achievable.

No, not whatever you want. Do what you want as long as it does not harm another person or their property. That's not very difficult for you to do, right?

It's not difficult at all, yet many struggle to do it. What happens with environment that is not owned by anyone? Can i do whatever i want there? As example - Can i put a few tons of toxic waste in the middle of the ocean? Not gonna harm anyone, it's too far and not going to damage any private property.
Without proper education, personal liberty is too dangerous. Give a bunch of uneducated idiots an equal right to vote as intelligent people have and see what happens. So i think no, personal liberty on its own doesn't work.

I've heard about the Venus Project. Dan Larimer has open my eyes on some alternative systems that could possibly be even better. I'm going to recommend you to check out my post on him if you haven't. Venus Project has some good intention but cryptocurrencies are leading us toward a much better world than what The Venus Project has been able to do so far.

Also The Venus Project is on Steem. They have their account. I don't remember what is it.

Thanks For your reply and recommendations to read other posts. I've done that and I admire Dans vision and actions he takes,but as any other person with different background, i disagree on some things too. It is indeed correct that our planet is our (including all the other animals and creatures) common heritage, it is correct that just because someone is born later then other, he shouldn't have disadvantage on common heritage. But with increasing automation and upcoming A.I. technology, most of our basic needs should be solved and human labour will be minimised almost to zero, and technically we eventually will stay with doing only creative jobs, like being scientists, artists, musicians, space explores, gardeners, ecologists e.t.c. simply because we are very curious creatures and when a person does what he loves, the work itself becomes a reward ( if basic needs are fulfilled unconditionally ). And that is part of what Jacque Fresco was offering. Same as Jacque , i believe that nothing should be a private property, and everything should be common. And because there's enough resources to fulfill all our needs and because pretty soon we will have technical possibility to achieve it, everyone will have higher standard of living then the wealthiest people of today. But Jacques vision, requires a vision on the future, without looking through prism of past. Resources need to be moved from one place to another, simply because there's a necessity to do so,not because there's some money or credits that paid for them to be moved. They need to be moved because it will benefit everyone, including environment that we live in, and shouldn't have anything to do with profit to anyone (unless profit becomes common wealth and doesn't harm environment). I wish we could have this debate face to face one day, meeting like minded people and looking on matters from different angles can bring each other to right and effective conclusions. Maybe one day we will be on the same continent.

There will still be a need for governance. The Venus Project isn't bringing those new systems of governance which are need and that are making our world more decentralized. Cryptocurrencies are bringing this. Cryptocurrencies are bringing us in the right direction even if your goal is something like TVP.

Do you mean dump toxic waste like governments and big corporations do all the time without any way to stop them?

What individual has a lot of toxic waste to dump anyway? I certainly don't have any. My dad used to dump his used motor oil behind his house. We had a garden back there and ate the food from it too. haha

You're a funny guy.

I prefer the tumult of liberty to the quiet of servitude.