I am Mandeep Singh Cheema. I am from India.
Entered the world of cryptocurrencies from August 2017. And that's when I joined steemit as well. Now as my hodge podge activities of clicking on every other faucet reduce and I get better at managing my time spent towards gaining a few, I hope I can contribute productively to this community as well.
Good writeup! I noticed that your account is couple of months old so I thought I'd send my late regards. Have one upvote on the house and see you in your next post!
this post to explain the system in more depth and show how I earn over $1 a day in upvotes. When having a new account it can be hard to recieve big upvotes so you should try out @MinnowPowerUp where you can earn up to 30% more steem power than just powering up through steemit! It's a subscription based daily upvote bot that draws its power from a delegation pool. I made