My name is Suleiman Mustapha, I just join HIVE which I got to introduce to by my friends in the boot hivecamp a whatsapp group created to help HIVE.BLOG grow and get known by people around the world and they also teaches how hive can be use with easy and make you aware of the latest contest
So I was part of the previous the previous blog known as steemit which I couldn't do more and was hooked at a particular reputation which I have decide to build and increase using HIVE.BLOG .
So the things I do most is writing, playing games
watching movies and also I am a Geophysicist which I am proud to be because we heal the world
Less i forget I also like forex trading which imam still currently learning from
Watch out for my writings and pictures and here I amMy username name goes by @musta007
You are welcome to hive dear
Thank you ma'am