
Salad fingers:

@ericarthurblair the next video, nettles has me laughing my head off .... thank you

You are welcome :)

"Cream" you have to watch this. david firth is a brilliant political commentator, philosopher, funny man

Wow... that was... just wow. I would laugh at it more but it is too accurate. Very good metaphor.

yeow yeah

i love this character. thank you. is he your character? have i provenanced it correctly in my credit source?

No, it is not my work. I just noticed you had him in your post, I figured you knew what is was :P

o god i have just watched the video. this character is revolting. eeeeeekkk.

brilliant. salad fingers is ghastly wonderful funny.

David Firth is the creator of Salad Fingers. I shall give a photo credit to him.

the edit button has disappeared from my post. i cannot edit it.

Probably because it is more than 7 days old

ooo ok thank you

ok, thank you. i get it. am learning fast. cheers!

here is david firth's patreon. he presents the value for contributing really really well.