Story about me

Hi everyone my name is Arkadiusz but a shorter version of my name, Arek, because people often have problems with pronouncing it. I am from Poland however I decided long time ago that I want to live in another country. That is why I moved to England to at last live on my own and develop myself to be a better person every day. This journey has now taken something like 4 years and I am really grateful for that time I have spent here. I hope to continue this adventure for the rest of my life in this wonderful, open to people country.


I finished university in Poland and gained a Bachelor’s degree in Management. I think I was not mature enough or maybe way too scared to make the right decision because I struggled with the choice between Management and Computer Science. It is not like I am not grateful for this higher education because every new experience can teach me something about myself, although computers have accompanied me from my youngest years. I still remember when my mother gave my yellow book with general knowledge which included information about how to build a computer and networks. That event put a mark on me and has slowly evolved to the final stage. So right now I would like to challenge myself and I am proud that this time I am doing something that is really important for me.

I believe that I am realistic person who is strong enough emotionally to survive any pressure from bad environment. I am good listener with honest attitude to people(sometimes way too straightforward :D) . I am passionate about developing myself so I always try to find opportunities to learn every day. My main activities are programming, reading books and technological news, collecting vinyl records, playing electric guitar, instant photography, cryptocurrency. Another thing worth mentioning is that I really appreciate knowledgeable and experienced people who sacrifice their free time to share all their abilities and skills with others. One day I would like to be like one of them and inspire people to focus what is really important in particular area of life.(that's why I am here)


  • books that changed my life
  • artificial intelligence and technological news (blockchain technology)
  • vintage, instant photography
  • simple things you can do today that will make you happy
  • any idea that stop me from sleep

I try to think like a visionary person so I would like to continue my path with artificial intelligence. AI is moving rapidly from relevancy in technologically niche areas to impacting every industry in the world. My main goal is to create a robot or application that could really help children with autism. I know robots like this already exist but they are not perfect. Basically that area is not explored enough(especially in eastern Europe) so I would like to put tremendous work and make it better. This has came from my personal experience because I know someone who has autism so that is not an empty promise. I know how hard is life when you live with autistic child. This disorder has had a big influence on my close family and has changed their life dramatically. So if I could only have the chance to obtain necessary knowledge I will sacrifice myself on that project.


Persons in every age group wonder why time seems to move so much faster than it did in their pasts. It seems as if there is never enough time to get everything done and that the situation only gets worse. I don’t want to regret that I have never tried to change my life as long as there is still time.

Thank you all for attention and see you soon.
Dziękuje wszystkim za uwagę i do zobaczenia.


Hi welcome to steemit glad to read your introduction and as what I can see you want to create a robot that's great. =)

[BOT] Witaj w polskiej części Steemit :)

Główny tag społeczności, to #polish. Tagujemy #polish posty, które zostały napisane po polsku. Więcej informacji uzyskasz od innych użytkowników polskiej spolecznosci pod postami lub wejdź na czat: (wymagane jest osobne konto).

Welcome to Steemit! I'm sure you'll enjoy this amazing community. Steem on 🤗💚

Thanks a lot :D

Welcome to steemit,
Hopefully you will be successful with this platform and don’t forget follow @ona09

Thanks a lot.
I will follow you.

welcome letsreadthemall,Happy steemit

Great introduction post!

Looking forward to your future content. Especially your book reviews and technological news. Always interesting to discover new books or to read about the latest that is going on in the tech world. Every person has a unique perspective on things.

Technology is moving fast that is true! We can't compete with it's speed 🚄 ;) Our special ability now becomes more our consciousness. Something that the AI right now doesn't understand. Our tech companions takes care of the speed for us. To get things done more effective. While we slow down and pay attention to things.

I also share your interest with programming. Would spend more time on it if life was longer haha! Since it takes so long time to problem solve things and it become about prioritize your life if it's worth the time investment 🙄. Great dreams and goals you have!

OMG thanks a lot for your support.