greetings friends steemit wherever you are INTAN NURUL, I am a newcomer from steemit, I come from Aceh precisely in the city of Lhokseumawe.
I am a college student from a campus in Alue Awe LHOKSEMAWE local government I majored in SHARIA ECONOMIC LAW (HES) Faculty of SYARIAH.
I am currently in the 8th semester, for now I am working on my thesis job and I am also active in the campus UKK (MENWA), MENWA (Regiment Mehasiswa), by joining the organization on campus is not the same as my course, even by following my organization get more knowledge that maybe I can not in my department.
My hobbies are widely ranging from

  1. Listening to music
  2. Gym
  3. The main game
  4. Read a novel / comic
  5. Writing, and others.
    My favorite foods are many like Meatballs, chicken noodles, fat rice, fried noodles. Sometimes I can eat more than 1 plate hehe. Drinks I like juice mango and cocacola.
    I am the first child of 3 siblings I am 23 years old, at the age of me who step on this 23 I have not been able to realize my dream, I want to be a lawyer that is my dream, but in because my college is still not finished so my dream too not yet realized And I will realize my dreams that.
    I think quite up to here my introduction with friends steemit friends.

    wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu ... I beg you from friends steemit wherever you are please please follow me @intannurul so much more and more I apologize.


salam kenal sahabat steemit dimana pun anda berada saya INTAN NURUL, saya adalah pendatang baru dari steemit, saya berasal dari Aceh tepatnya di Kota Lhokseumawe.
saya adalah mahasiswi dari suatu kampus di Alue Awe pemkot LHOKSEMAWE saya mengambil jurusan HUKUM EKONOMI SYARIAH (HES) Fakultas SYARIAH.
Sekarang saya baru semester 8, untuk saat ini saya sedang sibuk mengerjakan skripsi dan saya juga aktif di UKK (Unit Kegiatan Khusus) kampus yaitu MENWA (Resimen Mehasiswa), dengan bergabung di organisasi yang ada di kampus tidak sama sekali mengganggu mata kuliah saya, malahan dengan mengukuti organisasi saya mendapat ilmu lebih yang mungkin tidak saya dapat di jurusan saya.
hobby saya banyak mulai dari

  1. Mendengarkan musik
  2. Gym
  3. Main game
  4. Membaca novel/komik
  5. Menulis
    dan lain-lain,
    makanan kesukaan saya banyak seperti Bakso, mie ayam, nasi lemak, mie goreng. Terkadang saya bisa makan lebih dari 1 piring hehe. Minuman yang saya suka jus mangga dan cocacola.
    saya adalah anak pertama dari 3 bersaudara umur saya menginjak 23 tahun, di umur saya yang menginjak 23 ini saya belum bisa mewujudkan impian saya, saya ingin menjadi seorang PENGACARA itu lah cita cita saya, namun di karenakan kuliah saya masih belum selesai jadi impian saya pun belum terwujudkan. Dan akan saya wujudkan cita cita saya itu.
    saya rasa cukup sampai disini perkenalan saya dengan kawan kawan steemit.

    sekian dari saya lebih dan kurang saya minta maaf.
    wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu... saya mohon dari kawan kawan steemit dimana pun anda berada mohon follow saya @intannurul

Welcome to this Steemit Family ! It is a great community. i hope you go enjoy here. keep it up. @arvindkumar please upvote & follow me

Hallo,,selamat datang di steemit,,salam kenal jg dari saya @n17am dari lsm jg.selamat bergabung..tetap semangat dan jgn menyerah.follow dan upvote..

Vote back saya

welcome @intannurul, congratulation for joining this community. here my upvote to motivate you.

welcome here intannurul
i hope you enjoy in steemit:)

Welcome to Steemit, Your post just popped up as I posted mine, so it’s just fate that I saw your page as it was birthed.

Good start with your introduction post. The rules are that there really are no rules. Steemit is self governing community. But to grow here are my personal tips:
-just be you and tell us more about that. What are you studying? Where? Why?
-always include a picture in your posts, or even 2-3
-post least weekly, or better yet daily. But not more than once or twice per day.
-if you post a lot of words (a Long post) include paragraph breaks and photos along the way. Makes it much easier for the reader to digest.
-engage with readers...if someone comments then reply back, even if it’s just a “thank you.”