
in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

About Me

My name is Lance O'Neill, I'm 36 years old, and I was raised in Deering, Alaska. It's very cold up there above the arctic circle - I remember as a boy seeing the snow pile up beyond the window completely blocking the door during common white out blizzards. There was no running water in the village at the time and we had to use "honey buckets" (i.e. 5 gal. buckets with a toilet seat) which we dumped in the ocean - only 25 feet away. We got our water in the freezing -30 F winter by chopping it into blocks with axes or chainsaws and hauling it with snow machines or dog sleds. The food came in by barge or plane very infrequently and sometimes not at all so we mostly lived off the land. This was roughing it to say the least but instilled in me a love and deep respect for nature.

When I was 13 my family and I moved to Anchorage, AK. At 18 I graduated from Alaska Military Youth Academy for the discipline and to see if I had whats it takes for an intense 6 month bootcamp. After graduation I enrolled in the US Navy to become an Interior Communications Electrician because I wanted to help the country and learn about electricity and military tactics. Mostly I marched around and stood watch. Sometimes I would fix a sound powered phone or TV.

After years of working mostly on call labor positions and warehousing, I got fed up with living paycheck to paycheck and decided to enter college as a finance major. I debated on that or microbiology because I love nature and animals a great deal but choose finance thinking that I would land a cushy job in finance or accounting then reinvest the money in a non-profit I run that's being funded by my many for-profit companies. Boy was that a miscalculation on my part. What I didn't know before college is that the field of graduates is so competitive you have to either know someone to get into finance or create your company, AI is taking over most of those jobs or they're being outsourced out of country, and that student loan debt coupled with long term unemployment would prevent me from creating my most basic and cheap inventions. Those inventions are key to creating the for-profits. What you don't know now is what comes to bite you in the ass later.

I made it to the last class needed for the BBA finance degree but then I lost my scholarships, ability to get student loans, and other sources of income over a period of about 8 months leading up to the last class. I lost them due to failing 4 classes and retaking them until I passed, putting all my time into college instead of working, and relying too much on loans for food and rent. I ended up failing that class and still can't afford the 3k they need upfront to finish, so I'm at a standstill. One day I will finish. 

As I figured out how to overcome near homelessness and a mounting pile of debt, I stopped going to college and spent a few months looking for work full time. This was to no avail. It was like I was overqualified and underqualified at the same time. When I realized I couldn't get any jobs except those in minimum wage, I taught myself how to hustle. I sold and carved woolly mammoth ivory, whale baleen, etc. When I was down to my last 1k and rent was overdue by a month, instead of putting it towards rent I invested 100% into things I knew could be resold elsewhere for higher. I barely made rent that month but it was worth the investment. Buy low and sell high is the maxim that I still live by. It's kept me alive these last 6 years without a "real" job. I reinvest 66% of my profits back into the business and this magic number, 2/3, allows for dramatic growth in revenue and thus profits. 

Sometimes I have visions of the future or of a new invention/business idea. They usually come true but black swan events have changed the foreseen events in the past. For instance, 12 years ago I came up with an idea for an above and below ground modified maglev train design for 1000+ mph travel which is eerily similar to Elon Musk's Hyperloop. His is missing a key feature for greater speed which mine would have, but I didn't think of using it in a vacuum so his is different. I would gladly give Elon my best ideas in exchange for a mentorship from him. Of course, anyone in hindsight can say I thought of this and that and claim wild things but here's some proof my ideas are different. Thinking that incredibly fast travel via land would indeed be incredible, applying this in space would be even better. My idea is to put a series of giant concentric rings in an orbit between Earth and Mars. Boosters and AI keep the rings locked in unison. These rings are solar powered and contain super conductive magnets which propel the spaceship forward via the ships deployable iron fins that also serve as meteorite shields. In the dead cold of space, superconductivity is cheaper to maintain than on Earth plus any gains in speed without added weight is a huge benefit.


I love helping others and have saved a few people from staying homeless. Lately this help has been in the form of discounts on goods or interest free loans to friends. I love learning so much I've already read thousands of books and watched hundreds of documentaries. I like animals, nature, investing, eating healthy, smoking weed, and teaching others. 

I've invented hundreds of things in my head - some of these things have gone on to make millions for others who had the courage and capital to create them. There was one exception to this though, once while working at the Red Dog Mine I told my boss that instead of using high pressure water (firemans hose) or compressed air alternately we could combine them into something much better. A smile lit across his face and he said, "go for it". I spent the entire day building it on the clock and using their tools and supplies and by the end of the day I had a working product. I called it the H2O Laser. It tore through hardened ore like nothing else. I was fired a week later for being an hour late. I heard the H2O Laser is still working and where I left it. I can think of a lighter and stronger version and one that would run off of a garden hose. One day I'll create them, once I have the capital to invest. 

Right now my main obsession is crypto's. I own ETH, AMB, NEBL, and VIBE.


Hi there welcome to steemit how are you @crypto.tank hope you're enjoying steemit so far. Happy Valentines Day btw. =)

Hi @purepinay and thank you. Yes, although not as profitable as I'd thought its been very enjoyable. I'm working on better content which requires research and web design. Happy Valentines Day to you too! :D

Hello crypto.tank, real presentation.
Hurry up with the realization of ideas, time goes fast ...

Hello @crypto-mammoth. Thanks and cool name btw. Man I wish I could at the moment. Poverty is a true beast - very hard to overcome and widespread.

I've spent tens of thousands of hours and dollars honing my human capital over decades in the mad hope of one day leveraging it towards something useful. What I didn't know is that it takes more and more capital to leverage human capital to its fullest extent. One may assume that an education leads to better jobs and pay, but sadly, such is no longer the case for a growing minority of graduates due to AI, outsourcing, corruption, too few jobs for too many degree holders, nepotism, etc.

I truly believe in the crypto space and have immersed myself wholeheartedly in it over the past year. I was in disbelief after the Mt. Gox hack and was too busy to keep up but then I noticed the evolution and exponential growth so here I am. Please stay posted for new coin reviews, much more in depth this time.

really nice reading you got my upvote :)
Upvote back and follow back will be appreciable.
Welcome here.

Thank you very much! I followed and upvoted.

You're new in steemit. follow me and i followback

Thank you! Yes I am and I followed you.

Hello on steem! enjoy!)

Thank you! Yes, this Steemit is a very interesting idea. I'm going to invest 1k into STEEM next month.

welcome crypto.tank! Glad to see your here

Thank you @lopezdacruz. Same to you. :-)