Im A Newbie!

Im new to steemit, let me introduce myself- a little!

Im Gemma, 24 years old and i live in England, Worcestershire.

I share my home with my two beautiful children

  • Chardae, aged 5
  • Charnah, aged 3
    My amazing boyfriend & Our dog, Tinkerbell. (Tink for short).
    I am big into social media and love a good read and gossip!👌😂.. Which brings me here.
    Follow me for my daily updates on my life, love, mummy rants & all things girly! ❤

Very beautiful Newbie :))
Welcome :D

Thank you! :)

Welcome to Steemit :)

Thank you!:)

two children, and about yourself you don't forget! perfectly you looks)

Thank you :)