Innovation of Intercultural Dentistry Unhas Champion Writing Competition

in #innovation7 years ago

KABAR.NEWS, Makassar - Student of Faculty of Dentistry Unhas, Princess Khairunnisa has been named as the regional champion of science and technology category in Regional Writing Competition event held by Djarum Foundation in Surabaya since 21 September 2017.

This competition is an event that is scientific in the form of essay writing contest themed 'Future To Indonesiaan' which is held specifically for the recipients of Plus Djarum Foundation Scholarship or Beswan Djarum.

Princess Khairunisa, student of class of 2014, said his idea of ​​dentistry innovation in overcoming the high number of incidence of tooth decay, especially cavities, is expected to realize the target of the Ministry of Health of the tooth-free hole in 2030.

"Hopefully at the national level will be able to provide the best for the realization of the future to a better Indonesiaan," said Princess Khairunnisa, through the release received KABAR.NEWS, Tuesday (26/09/2017).
Princess Khairunnisa is one of Unhas students who received Beswan plus from Djarum Foundation in 2016/2017.

Meanwhile, Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni of FKG Unhas, Dr. drg. Nurlindah Hamrun, proud of the achievements that have been achieved by students.

"Students now we are encouraged to excel, both on campus and outside the campus," he said.
The competition was followed by 525 Beswan 32 from all over Indonesia and divided into 4 regions. East Indonesia itself in regional Surabaya / East Java.

Each Beswan can only send an essay in the category of Science and Technology or Social category, Culture and Humanities. Before reaching the regional level must pass some selection of abstract selection, full paper and regional competency.