Threads Curation report - Week 33 , 2024

in #inleo29 days ago

Hello Lions! As you know, we are focusing a lot of resources into making our curation a vital part of InLeo's growth with a long term mindset, and to do so we want to encourage Lions to leverage Threads and make it the best platform where Hive users can share their articles to engage with other users, expand their reach and audience, and gain new followers.

Threads is an incredible platform to share content, but most Hivers don't know how to do it right so their link-sharing actually wins them new followers.

If you want to increase your articles' visibility and thus, increase your audience and engagement and become eligible to receive curation from Leo, you can check out this article

Transparency is vital for Leo, so this is our process for curating Threads outreach efforts:

1- We filter Threads by using the tag #outreach

2- We locate only the Threadstorms tagged #threadstorm (the users must use those two tags) and make sure that they use 1/🧵

3- If they use the two tags and the 1/🧵 (or similar to indicate it's a threadstorm) they are eligible.

4- We check that the Outreach Threadstorm follows the format of the post linked above.

5- If the Thread doesn't follow this format, we move to point 8.

6- If the Thread covers all parameters, we open the post and check for the following: post length, topic, quality of the writing, grammar and spelling, and proper sourcing if applicable.

7- If the Post covers all parameters, we drop it on the InLeo discord channel for Threads curation. If the post doesn't cover all parameters, we move to point 9.

8- If the Thread doesn't follow the format, we guide the user on how to make a proper outreach threadstorm.

9- If the Post doesn't cover all parameters quality parameters, we guide the Lion on how to make a high quality post.

Why do we take the time to do this?

We want to encourage InLeo and Hive users to start using Threads to promote their content, but to do it correctly so that they actually gain more followers and encourage other users to engage with their content, and at the same time to avoid sharing what some people consider link-spamming.

Lions using Threads to promote their content can also earn #gosh! We are preparing a post about #gosh so that our users can leverage this token to share amazing content on Threads in a good way.

In the meantime, here is Leo's Threads curation report, week 33, 2024.





We want to thank all these authors for helping Threads adoption by sharing amazing pieces of content and making Threads a very active place!

All rewards generated from this post will be used to reward our Threads curators @thetimetravelerz, @vikvitnik . the payout of this post is set to 100% Hive Power as proof of our long term mindset, so spare a vote to help us support our curation program!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


At the beginning Leo's interface was very confusing and I had a hard time creating threads, but it is true that with practice you get familiar with thread creation very quickly! I'm not particularly skilled with social media so if I can do it I think anyone can, and these curations are a great incentive when you invite other people to join.

Thanks to the team and curators for their good work, I look forward to that post about #gosh ! ! 🦁 💖

@thetimetravelerz,Thanks again for your support🙂

Thank you very much for the mention, although my post was not curated, because of the time factor, I know that my thread was ok, thank you. 😊

many thanks for the support.

Happy Sunday 😊

Muy bien, es una buena forma para promocionar el contenido, desde por aquí siempre en pro a compartir un buen contenido, gracias!

Thank you so much vikvitnik.