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RE: Fake News and the Information War

"News" is taken from a few agencies like AP or Reuters or one of the others and then editors and owners decide what is worthy of packaging up and given to us as news. A blind man can see the problem with that system!
These companies are in the business of entertainment, not the dissemination of fact. it's naive to think that's what they are.
They are controlled and often owned by the mega wealthy and their shills. They set an agenda that suits them and their narrative. You can see this really starkly in the MSM reporting of the Syrian war. Facts didn't matter, blaming Russia and Iran did. nationalists are seen as an obstacle to world governance.
The white helmets were held up as an humanitarian organisation, yet i, as a citizen could easily find out information to the contrary. They are the media arm of what was Al sham, a black flag gang..
It's hardly suprising that places like Russia and Iran are concerned, the international clique of the mega wealthy will use Israel and the US to get rid of all nation state in preperation for NWO!!!


Yup, 2 main news sources for all the rest, yet their is "variety". Yeah, variety of entertainment to keep us distracted in large part :/ White Hats funded admittedly by state dept. i think it is, but hardly anyone knows that hehe.

The more you learn the bigger the lie becomes....